On July 16, 2020, a video message was posted on the Israeli News Live channel, in which the author and owner of the channel warned of an imminent size asteroid falling to Earth: According to the source, information comes from senior officials in the Pentagon, where they already know about the situation and are preparing for the strike for about four months.
The story began around April, when NASA reported that the Earth was passing through a huge field of space debris. Usually, all these stones are pulled by either Jupiter or other large planets, but now all the large planets are grouped within one narrow sector relative to the Sun, and therefore a hole has formed in space, into which a cloud of asteroids has slipped.
The first expected collision with a particularly large stone was supposed to be in April, on the occasion of which a “quarantine” was started, but now NASA and the military say that the strike will be either in August or in early September. At the same time, one stone has obviously already fallen, causing a dust storm, which the officials attributed to “sand from the Sahara.”
The news, of course, is sensational and requires analysis and comments, so we can say the following from ourselves. Israeli News Live is a very serious channel that never deals with fakes and whipping up hysteria. Therefore, if Steve says that he heard something from high-ranking military personnel, then it is so.
The second thing we can notice is the strange fact that since January 2020, the number of asteroids passing by the Earth at a distance closer to the lunar has doubled compared to the same period last year. So, on April 23, there were about forty of them:
Obviously, the trend should have continued, however, since May these close asteroids disappeared somewhere and in three months there were only 9 of them:
There are no such sharp jumps in statistics, so the NASA service is simple suppresses information. And this is exactly what Steve is talking about.
Finally, we remind you of a video from Mr. Glazerson, who has been deciphering Old Testament texts for many years. He said that in the region of April 29 an asteroid would fall to the Earth, just as many people repeated the same thing: someone had a warning dream, someone recognized some rumors and so on. But, as Steve says, it was at the end of April that the military was waiting for the light show.
For some reason, it did not take place. Most likely, the asteroid was destroyed by aliens, as they did with the Chelyabinsk meteorite. Most likely, they also destroyed the stone that caused a cloud of dust over Mexico, because if a kilometer-long rock fell to the Earth, all of us would have felt it.
However, even the possibilities of the aliens do not seem to be unlimited, since they gave the command to the military to prepare. And they are definitely preparing.
So in the Russian Federation, for example, on July 17, some ridiculous “military alert” was declared out of the blue and about 150,000 people were on combat readiness.
What this is connected with is not yet very clear, but it fits into the preparation for the asteroid. Moreover, this is how Bill Ryan, the founder of the Avalon project, described the preparation for the meteorite strike.
It also coincided strangely that the “second wave” of the Covid-19 didn’t come in June, as the renowned experts voted, but it falls in late summer and autumn. How so? Pandemic waves are calculated based on the incubation period of the disease, therefore, since epidemiologists said June, the second wave should have been in June, but not in August. And now everything is suddenly replayed for a period that strangely coincides with the time that Steve talks about.
Based on the above, we believe that there is no smoke without fire and the authorities are really expecting some large-scale cosmic catastrophe, about which they forgot to warn citizens.