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Is COVID-19 a direct proof of the existence of the Matrix?

Is COVID-19 a direct proof of the existence of the Matrix? 1

The COVID-19 pandemic since its inception is full of mysteries, however, the biggest of them is the name of the pathogen itself, which does not fit into the framework of the generally accepted taxonomy of viruses.

Moreover, the name of the virus changed several times and there was even an attempt to rename the current COVID-19. Nevertheless, the name has remained the same and therefore many conspiracy theorists think that the name COVID-19 is fraught with something. But what?

In an attempt to answer this question, with a nickname Clawspiracy on May 25, 2020 he laid out his view of the situation for general discussion and invited all conspiracy theorists to follow the traditional path of Freemasonry and lay out the so-called “magic square” from an incomprehensible word:

Is COVID-19 a direct proof of the existence of the Matrix? 2

The square is selected with a size of 5X5 characters, the numbers are discarded, and the word COVID is sequentially written five times in the forward and reverse sequence. And to the great surprise of the author, the picture was surprisingly symmetrical.

The center of symmetry of the square is the sequence VVVVV, which, obviously, stands for Vi veri universum vivus vici or, in Latin: “By the power of truth, I, the living, have conquered the universe.” The original quote is Dr. Faust, but it is better known for Aleister Crowley, who chose VVVVV as his magical motto. 

The next element of the square is the obvious digital sequence 01010/10101 – that is, an explicit binary code that clearly indicates something and, as it were, hints at the Microsoft digital identifier, patent application for which has the number 060606:

Is COVID-19 a direct proof of the existence of the Matrix? 3

Continuing experiments with this binary code, Clawspiracy first translated the resulting sequences into English text, receiving the letters F and K, which can be understood as a hint of the word “f *** k”, and then tried to convert the binary string to Windows-12- code 52, as a result of which he received the symbol ™ … that is, a trademark.

The third side of the magic square contains a DCD sequence. Most often, this abbreviation stands for Developmental Coordination Disorder. This is also called dispraxia – impaired movement in children in the absence of impaired muscle tone and paralysis. At the same time, children experience difficulties in performing various complex movements, they have a violation of coordination, therefore one of the names of the pathology is “clumsy child syndrome”.

Is COVID-19 a direct proof of the existence of the Matrix? 4

DCD can also be understood as the Compulsory Declaration of Disease System or as Donation after death from circulatory arrest   and involves the removal of organs for transplantation from patients whose death has been diagnosed and confirmed using cardiorespiratory criteria.

At the moment, the study, of course, is not the most profound and not exhaustive – the author only drew the attention of the public to things that are obvious and striking. Nevertheless, even a cursory acquaintance with the subject is enough to see some hidden meaning in the word COVID-19 – there is more than enough symbolism there and for sure conspiracy theorists will still have a lot of wonderful and surprising discoveries. 

But at the moment, the most important thing and one thing is not clear: such hidden links and parallels in the name COVID-19 – is this a conspiracy of globalist Illuminati, or is Artificial Intelligence behind the pandemic?

 Or maybe the world around us is not real, but some kind of digital, in which all things are invisibly interconnected and controlled only by the laws of computational mathematics?

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