Categories: Paranormal

Supernatural Experiences; Reptilian Shapeshifters in Grass Valley

HPI Reptilianologists headed to Grass Valley to investigate some out of the ordinary claims.A woman says that she witnessed her neighbor morph from a human being to a reptilian. Note: This later became her boyfriend and not her neighbor, the story changed. Now that his identity was exposed, he informed his reptilian colleagues. It so happens his colleagues live in the same neighborhood.

The client discovered she lives in a community of Reptilians. The Reptilians now dress in black and in the middle of the night, they gas her room, placing the client into a sleeping slumber. They remove something from her body on a nightly basis. She even has a photograph of an incision on her back. She discovered a strange gas pipeline that goes into her bedroom. It will be the mission of the HPI Reptilianologists to discover what exactly this pipeline is. We will conduct surveillance on the home and the property to see if there are strange men in black creeping around her home.

In The Biggest Secret (1999), Icke introduced the idea of the “Reptoid Hypothesis.” He identifies the Brotherhood as originating from reptilians from the constellation Draco, who walk on two legs and appear human, and who live in tunnels and caverns inside the earth. They are the same race of gods known as the Anunnaki in the Babylonian creation myth, Enûma Eliš. Tyson Lewis of Montclair State University and Richard Kahn of the University of North Dakota write that Icke has taken his “ancient astronaut” narrative from the Israeli-American writer, Zecharia Sitchin. Icke’s idea of “inner-earth reptilians” is also not new, though Barkun writes that Icke has done more than most to expand it.

Sitchin writes that the reptilians came to Earth for its precious metals. Icke argues that the Anunnaki came specifically for “monoatomic gold,” a mineral he says can increase the carrying capacity of the nervous system ten thousand fold. After ingesting it, the Anunnaki are able to process vast amounts of information, speed up trans-dimensional travel, and shapeshift from reptilian to human form. They use human fear, guilt, and aggression as energy in a similar way, part of the reason they organize human conflict. The more negative emotion we emit, the more the reptilians absorb:

Thus we have the encouragement of wars, human genocide, the mass slaughter of animals, sexual perversions which create highly charged negative energy, and black magic ritual and sacrifice which takes place on a scale that will stagger those who have not studied the subject.

he Anunnaki have crossbred with human beings, the breeding lines carefully chosen for political reasons. He believes they are the Watchers, the fallen angels, or “Grigori,” who mated with human women in the Biblical apocrypha. Their first reptilian-human hybrid, possibly Adam, was created 200,000–300,000 years ago. There was a second breeding program around 30,000 years ago, and a third 7,000 years ago. It is the half-bloods of the third breeding program who today control the world, more Anunnaki than human. They have an extremely powerful, hypnotic stare, the origin of the phrase to “give someone the evil eye,” and their hybrid DNA allows them to shapeshift when they consume human blood. In Children of the Matrix, he expanded his description of those in charge, adding that the Anunnaki also bred with another extraterrestrial race called the “Nordics,” on account of their blond hair and blue eyes, to produce a race of human slave masters, the Aryans. The Aryans retain many reptilian traits, including cold-blooded attitudes, a desire for top-down control, and an obsession with ritual, lending them a tendency toward fascistic militarism, rationalism, and racism.

Lewis and Kahn write that the Nordic hypothesis means Icke is mirroring standard claims by the far right that the Aryan bloodline has ruled the Earth throughout history; for Icke, Sumerian Kings and Egyptian pharoahs have all been Aryan reptilian humanoids, as have 43 American presidents and the Queen Mother, who he writes was “seriously reptilian.” All have taken part in Satanic rituals, paedophilia, kidnapping of children, drug parties and murder, needed to satisfy their reptilian blood lust, which allows them to retain their temporary human form.

It was a long drive to Grass Valley and in my mind, I kept pondering…”are there really alien reptilian shapeshifters living in a community in Grass Valley, can my client really be telling the truth?” I got up there early and surveyed the landscape and property. What I did discover is that this one street has the best neighborhood watch ever. As I drove my car up and down this street, it seemed like every person that lived on this street was looking out their window or stepping out on their porch to see who I was. I felt like I was in the back swamps of Louisiana again. A similar thing happened in Louisiana, I had to drive down some muddy dirt roads looking for a house to pick up my date, a Cajun girl. Every neighbor stepped out to see who the guy in the Camaro was. One big Cajun came up to me and said: “You ain’t from here boy, you stepping in the wrong area, you can get yourself hung! Strangers disappear in these swamps!” I drove off quickly and said to myself, oh crap, what did I get myself into? Finally I found the house and picked up my Cajun girl date named Mimi. I found out she lived in a big two story house with her mother, father, grandmother, 3 cousins, 2 uncles, 6 brothers and 1 sister. Her 6 brothers were all huge. One of the brothers looked at me and said: “Where you taking Mimi boy?” I said “dancing”. The brother said: “You in Coon-Ass territory boy, you make sure you bring her back by 11pm.” I looked at my watch, it was 9pm. That sure isn’t much dancing. I knew I wasn’t going to get anywhere, so I decided not to take her out and decided to have a couple of beers with her brothers. After drinking those two beers, I went back to the base. I didn’t get lucky that night.

So will I on this night get lucky? A different kind of lucky. Will I discover what David Icke has been talking about all along? My team starts showing up. I call the client, for a while there she is not answering and I had another dilemma, I couldn’t find her house. Finally she answers and she tells me we cannot go to her house and that she will meet us at Condon Park.

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We follow the client to Condon Park and she briefs us about everything that is going on in her community. She tells us that it is her boyfriend that she saw shapeshift into a reptilian. Her boyfriend is home and that we cannot conduct surveillance on her property.

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Well, this is a new one for me. I didn’t know that her boyfriend was also a reptilian. If we can’t conduct our surveillance on her property, how can we do our jobs? The client blamed me for not getting all of the details and I know I told her exactly what was needed, what will happen during the investigation and how the investigation will be conducted. But, I thought, why argue with her, I need to maintain my professionalism. I feel bad, because I have people who drove all the way from Stockton, Martinez for this investigation and now it looked like there would be no investigation.

During the briefing, the client was telling us that she does not want to be debunked and then before I knew it, she accused 3 of my investigators of being reptilian spies. Okay, this is getting too much, it was time for Plan B. I convinced the client to take us to the Holbrook Hotel. I did an investigation at the Holbrook and I know that this place is haunted. So on this night we investigated: Mount St. Mary’s Academy; Saint Patrick’s Catholic Church; Old St. Patrick’s Cemetery – 1853-1908; all located at South Church Street and Chapel Street. At the cemetery we captured 3 EVPs, one EVP whistle by Stephanie Belson and 3 other EVPs, one sounding like a small child. Many orb anomalies were captured by our camera. I saw orb action and a bit of mist in my infrared night scope binoculars – in real time. After the cemetery we dropped off the client at her home, so she could do readings. Did I tell you she also does readings? Well, if I didn’t, she does. After dropping off the client we investigated the Holbrook Hotel. There was a bachelorette party going on and it was too noisy for EVPs, but we captured some orb anomalies in our photographs. I checked out the Nevada Club, which has a reputation of being haunted and it was more noisy there than the Holbrook, so finally we decided to go back to the cemetery. The activity ceased and before I knew it we gathered in a group and discussed this weird night.

We concluded that since the client sees all kinds of traffic going up and down her street at all hours of the night, there may be something else sinister going on. Maybe a meth lab or maybe one of the neighbors is growing marijuana? I was ready to go back to my undercover narcotics days again and see what was exactly going on in this neighborhood watch friendly community. Bring back my old narc days, bring back Porkchops (code name when I was with DST (Drug Suppression Team) CID (Criminal Investigation Division).

Instead of hunting reptilians, we found ourselves hunting ghosts again….sigh.

This is an example of an investigation that went bad. When I saw that there was not going to be an investigation, I pondered the thought: “What would Josh Gates do?” I must admit, the client does seem terrified, but I think it has to do with something more on a personal level and I feel there may be something sinister going on, but it’s not Reptilians. If she is seeing a lot of traffic on her street at all hours of the night, it’s because of drugs and not

Reptilians that are looking to feast on human blood. Instead of monster hunting, I found myself ghost hunting. Monsters are a rarity and I get an adrenalin rush from hunting monsters, damn ghosts are a dime a dozen.

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Esoteric Detective
Haunted and Paranormal Investigations (HPI International)!/groups/HPIinternational/


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