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Maria Orsic: a girl-medium who flew away from Earth

Maria Orsic: a girl-medium who flew away from Earth 1

We will call this story a myth, than real events. The official history tries not to touch on this topic. In the scientific world, they believe that any mention of Maria Orsic can lead to the end of a career. 

The famous historian of German occultism Nicholas Goodrick-Clark decided to open the veil of secrecy associated with the name Orsic and devoted a whole chapter to this story in his book “Black Sun. Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the politics”. He did it academically as correctly as possible, calling this story a myth of modern neo-Nazism.

We, as true impartial researchers of the unknown, must mention the very fact of the existence of such a story, albeit at the level of myth, and try to collect on the Internet everything that is known today about this girl-medium of the Third Reich.

Of course, we are against Nazism, fascism and any manifestations of extremism, and therefore we will consider the “figure” of Orsic exclusively from the point of view of popular science, not obscurantist, albeit with elements of fantasy, because we all remember that in the same fascism and Nazism the papacy in the Vatican played far from the last violin, and all the monarchs of that time were far from without sin. 

Take, for example, the Nazi Thule society, organized at the beginning of the twentieth century, but modern researchers are “lost” in conjectures – where did such a strange name come from, but here is the version that perhaps this society takes its name from the surname of a German princess, sister of Nikolai’s wife II – Alex, whose sister bore the surname Thule – do not want to consider, simply not noticing her. By the way, it was then that another order was organized – the order of service to Lady Tula. 

Dame Tula – Serving a Lady

The Thule society is a Nazi society organized at the beginning of the 20th century and took the name of the German princess, the sister of the wife of Nicholas II – Alex. The wife of Nicholas II was named Alex, and her sister was named Tula. An order of service to Dame Tula was organized.

What it means to serve a Lady is a very serious topic. Unfortunately, we cannot bring it up for general discussion. Too closed topic. Not everyone is prepared for sacred knowledge. Sacred knowledge is sometimes shocking, sometimes terrifying, misunderstanding. Therefore, everyone cannot and should not know, for example, what serving the Lady is. 

So, just to understand, the Thule Society was organized as an order of service to the Dame Princess Thule. The most important orders are those who have chosen to serve the Lady. Forget about the antiquity of the orders. These are not ancient orders, they are modern ones. But nevertheless, they tried to achieve power due to the knowledge that they inherited from the previous civilization. It doesn’t matter how this knowledge got there. 


Judging by the publications on the Web, there is no documented information about this woman, there is simply a fact of existence based on stories – no materials with links, as well as materials that refute her existence. 

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We will proceed from the assumption that there may have been some woman who is offered to be believed, as in a folk epic or myth. The stories about Ostric are full of fantasy and fables, they say that Maria had some unearthly abilities, but what, not a word about it. Some versions speak of her help to Nazi scientists to create flying discs of the Third Reich, a technology capable of penetrating space and time – a time machine, but there are no documents confirming these stories.

Maria Orsic (sometimes referred to as Maria Orsik), was born in Vienna (Austria-Hungary). Her father was a Croatian immigrant from Zagreb and her mother from Vienna.

Maria was a renowned medium and became the leader of the Vril Society

There is no real information about this woman. There is simply the fact that she existed. All other materials were classified. There was a woman, and she is not. She’s a myth. She is a legend, which is suggested to be believed as a folk epic. They say that Maria possessed some kind of unearthly abilities. What – is not specified. Maria Orsic was a medium. Well, this is the easiest thing to say about her. 

Ufologists believe that she helped Hitler create a flying saucer capable of permeating space and time. But there is no reliable information, let alone documents. Moreover, the flying saucer was designed by Bartini, whom Stalin stole from Italy. By the way, all real information about him is also classified. And probably it was the easiest thing – a flying saucer.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

Maria was an active participant in the German nationalist movement in Austria, which was active at that time and aimed at uniting Austria with the German Reich. In 1919, Maria moved to Munich to her boyfriend, who later became her fiancé, but whether they eventually married or not is unknown, since both disappeared in 1945.

What was Maria Orsic actually doing?

Maria Orsic organized one such structure, consisting of women, on which a society such as Vril relied.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

In Munich, Maria came into contact with the Thule group, and soon she, together with another girl, Traute A. from Munich and several of her friends, created their inner circle “Alldeutsche Gesellschaft für Metaphysik” (the official name of the “Vril Society”). 

That is, according to this myth, the group of Maria Orsic acted as the initiator of the creation of the “Vril Society”. According to other sources, Maria Orsic just created her own group within the Vril Society, but it was the mediums of her group that were the source of the most important information for the Vril Society.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

They were all young girls who opposed the fashion for short hair. Both Maria and Trout were beautiful girls with very long hair. They wore long hair with a ponytail, which was very unusual and sexy-defiant at the time. This became a hallmark of all the women who were part of Maria Orsic’s group in the “Vril Society”. It is known for certain that the group existed until May 1945. The women of this group believed that their loose, long hair worked as antennas that received messages from extraterrestrial beings. But when they appeared in public, they gathered their hair in a ponytail.

For their own identification, Vril members wore a disc with images of their two strongest mediums: Maria Orsic and Sigrun. About Sigrun nothing is known except her name. The symbolism of the “VRIL Society” – the hereditary society of the Knights Templar. 

Women’s ponytail hairstyles were a peculiar business card of the society. At that time almost no one wore such hairstyles, Frauleins and Frau braided luxurious long hair in pigtails, loose hair was considered something demonic, which, however, did not bother their owners at all. It is the long hair that helps to activate the subcortical layer of the brain, playing the role of peculiar antennas that attract the Life Energy Chi from space.

Mary was an exceptionally beautiful woman. She was always surrounded by very powerful men. However, there is no evidence of her novel. She had no children. She claimed that she managed to make contact with representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence from the constellation Taurus. 

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There is such a star in the sky – Aldebaran. According to the transcripts of the messages received through the girls – mediums, it was the Albdebarans who founded the Sumerian civilization. The language in which the messages of extraterrestrial intelligence were recorded strikingly resembles the Sumerian tablets, as well as the runic letters of the Germans and Russians!

In December 1919, a small group of representatives of the Thule society and the DHvSS (Lords of the Black Stone) society rented a small house in the forest near Berchtesgaden (Germany), where they met with Maria Orsic and Sigrun. Maria announced that she had received a mediumistic message written in a secret code of the German Templars, which was unknown to her. 

This message contained technical information for the construction of a flying machine from the Aldebaran star system, which was 68 light-years away in the constellation Taurus. Records of the Vril Society that have come down to us do mention that these telepathic messages came from Aldebaran.

Maria Orsic wrote down two folders of papers: one in the language, written in the Templar code, the second in an incomprehensible language.

The story that Maria flew away on a flying saucer to Aldebaran in 1945, along with her fiancé, is also very unusual. How could such a girl be one of the inspirers of the Third Reich?

Influence of the Knights Templar and their code

In Germany, the German Templar orders have always been strong. Maria was brought up in this atmosphere and ideology. In Austria, she became a member of the nationalist movement. The scientific department of the secret order of the Templars was located in Vienna. In this society, it was believed that there is a central sun around which our sun revolves. Its rays, according to the Templars, carry divine love.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

The wavelength of its light is inaccessible to the human eye, therefore it is perceived as invisible. It was called the Black Sun. The Templars believed that we live in dark times, and little energy of divine love reaches the Earth. 

They were looking for technology, how to increase the energy of this star in our world, how to strengthen the divine source. Maria Orsic was familiar with the ideas and rituals of the Templars.

Secret technologies of the Goddess

One of the technologies was rituals dedicated to Baphomet and Baphomet’s Bride. Baphomet (15 lasso in the traditional Tarot deck) denotes the devil in the form of a goat. It is interpreted as the accumulation of material goods, the establishment of effective relations. In Tarot Toth Alistair Crowley Baphomet means the acquisition of personal power through the awareness and acceptance of their shadow sides.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

The Templars translated the word Baphomet as Bab Ilu -“the gate to the ray of light”, the invisible spiritual sun. In sound, it resembles the goddess of the 11th lasso Bababalon – A. Crowley. Babalon (“lust”) symbolizes the development of the spiritual beginning through the mastery of sexual energy.

The figure of Baphomet was a magical machine used to tune into an ancient egregore. With the help of it, it influenced the consciousness of people and the environment. Two-faced figure, where the male and female part united, thanks to the Goddess of love. Both forces became conscious and creative.

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The Templars believed that when a figure being activated, its vibrations will open up the opportunity for divine forces to penetrate into our world. At this moment the golden age will come. The activation took place through the ritual fusion of the Priestess with one of the male ministers.


Goddess looked like a woman with flyingvery long hair, representing the spiritual wings. The priestesses of the Goddess were three women with dark, light and brown hair.

These women possessed knowledge of the Macaar technique, according to which astral hair is found in the female hair. They attract oscillations of the power of the Black Sun. Of course, for this, a conscious and willful control of this energy by the woman herself is necessary.

First contact

Maria Orsic in early 1917 in a Viennese cafe, met with esotericists Karl Haushofer, Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, Saint Gernot. All were members of the Order of the Golden Dawn and practiced its teachings and rituals. Haushofer shared his knowledge of the Order of Yellow Hats, travels from India and Tibet, the secrets of the secret fraternity of the “Black Stone Lords”.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

Prelate Gernot shared the secrets of the orderheirs of the Knights Templar, who from 1307 passed his secrets from father to son. As a result of combining knowledge, they found the keys. After this meeting, Orsic fell into a trance at home. She was in a coma for several hours. Maria told her mother that she had seen bright tall creatures. After eight days, Mary began to receive messages from them. They were the heralds of Aldebaran.

According to the disseminated information, Mary and her group managed to come into contact with representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence from the Taurus constellation of the star Aldebaran, which is 68 light-years away from us. According to the transcripts of the messages received through the girls – mediums, it was the Aldebarans who founded the Sumerian civilization. 

The language in which the messages of extraterrestrial intelligence were recorded strikingly resembles the Sumerian tablets, as well as the runic letters of the Germans and ancient Slavs. It was in order to receive these messages from Aldebaran in December 1919 that a small group of representatives of the Thule society and the DHvSS (Lords of the Black Stone) society rented a small house in the forest near Berchtesgaden (Germany), where they met with Maria Orsic and Sigrun. 

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

Maria announced that she had received a mediumistic message, written by the secret code of the German Templars, which was unknown to her. This message contained technical information for the design of a flying machine. The documents that have come down to us (where are they?) of the Vril Society does mention that these telepathic messages came from Aldebaran.

Constellation Taurus, Aldebaran

The information received by Maria went in two directions: about the world pattern of civilization Aldebaran and documentation for the application of new technologies. She learned that Aldebaran is in the constellation Taurus. Two planets revolve around their sun. From Earth to them 68 light years.

Representatives of Aldebaran’s civilization have a completely different culture, history and a different world view. On Aldebaran, society is divided into a race of gentlemen-Aryans and other less developed nations. Each race respects the path of development of the other. All get along peacefully. This is a female civilization, headed by the Priestess. Having achieved high technical progress, they maintained harmony with nature. Aldebaran residents use alternative energy sources. They believe that technology built on the basis of the principle of explosion and combustion is destructive.

Even military operations on Aldebaran were carried out using vibrations. They use technologies based on the principle of implosion, have mastered the properties of antimatter. To solve the problem of gravity, aldebaran people use a tachyon engine. Compression should be instead of an explosion. Some of the technology of aircraft could only be controlled by women, since they used their specific female capabilities.

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UFO Contacts

Maria Orsic received a large number of technologies for which the aircraft were manufactured. The information received was not intended for military action. The aircraft were closed by a magnetic field, through which no types of weapons passed either inside or outside.

The main purpose of contact with aliens by the Vryl society was exactly the desire to share modern technologies. They wanted to turn the earth’s civilization on a more harmonious, eco-friendly path of development. The last ship built was generally intended for interplanetary flights, a planned experimental flight to Aldebaran.

Contact with aliens took place in May 1945. On board the aircraft were Maria Orsic and members of her group, heading for an uncharted civilization. It is possible that Aldebaran priestesses were close to the ideas and rules practiced by the Vril ladies at the beginning of their work: chivalrous spirit, fair protest.


The founder of the Vril Society is Karl Haushofer. If the Thule society was engaged in politics and economics, then Vril set as its goal the development of superpowers, contacts and obtaining information from extraterrestrial civilizations. Vril was not originally military in nature.

Maria Orsic gathered a group of long-haired young beautiful like-minded women. They, engaged in the practice of concentration of consciousness and control of sexual energy, have developed mediumistic abilities.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

The group included Maria, her friend Traute, later they were joined by Zigrun, Gudrun and others. Female mediums later became Vril’s main source of information.

 The Vril Society was responsible for the ideological and spiritualist part of the project, and the SS design department provided the construction of the apparatus, which was carried out in an atmosphere of increased secrecy somewhere in the north-west of the country.

Thule Society Symbols

One of the leading doctrines of the Vril was the concept of the “Black Sun” – the divine light of infinite power, invisible to the human eye; this theory is closest to the modern understanding of anti-matter. The 4th SS technical department (Entwicklungsstelle 4) under the leadership of Reichsfürrer Himmler, who himself was an adherent of the occult, was engaged in the creation of a man-made generator of Black Sun energy.

Vril’s motto “Not all good things come from above” illustrates the history of the Vril Gesellschaft society itself from its inception until the last days of World War II, when this occult group seems to have disappeared from the face of the Earth.

The name “Vril” is short for “VRI-IL”, which means “godlike”. Officially Vril was called the All-German Metaphysical Society, and it arose relatively simultaneously with Thule Gesellschaft and the little-known DHvSS (People of the Black Stone) society in 1919. The beliefs and origins of these occult groups varied significantly.

One of the coats of arms of the Thule society

DHvSS (1912) members worshiped the ancient German goddess of the mountains Isais and the black stone Schwarz Stein. The representatives of Thule Gesellschaft (1917) believed in the theory of the hollow earth. 

The adherents of Vril worshiped the Black Sun (an invisible divine luminary), which, in their opinion, generated an incredible power and opened, through the so-called. “Psychic channeling”, a channel of communication with aliens-Aryans living in the star system of Aldebaran.

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Aldebaran is a red giant, part of the constellation Taurus and is known as the “Eye of Taurus” due to its position in the constellation. Mediums Vril also called him “The Way” and “The Star of Enlightenment”, meaning metaphysical enlightenment.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

Unlike the adepts of the other two groups, the female mediums of the inner circle of Vril Gesellschaft transcended their time and culture. They wore ponytails and believed that their long hair acted like a space antenna to help them communicate with aliens. The first contactee was the medium Maria Orsic of Thule.

Baffled by an unknown language and incomprehensible mental images transmitted to her through psychic channeling, Maria from “Thule” moved to Vril Gesellschaft, a member of which was the medium Sigrun, who could help Orsic with the translation of the foreign language (which turned out to be the language of the ancient Sumerians) and deciphering mysterious mental images depicting a mysterious disc-shaped flying machine.

For devotees of Vril, “above” is a place 64 light years from Earth. This is a guiding beacon to which ALL occult projects for the creation of discs in Hitler’s Germany led. We can only guess: did any of them make it to the distant destination?

Mysterious Sumerian language

The runic letters received by Maria were written in a language unknown to her. Upon deciphering, it turned out that it was Sumerian. This was explained by the fact that the Aldebarans flew to Mesopotamia and formed the Sumerian state. Therefore, the Sumerians and Aldebarans had the same language.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

It looked a lot like unintelligible German. A small part of the arrived Aldebarans remained on Earth. So, their Sumerian language found distribution. Their presence is reflected in symbolic subjects and architectural monuments. So, for example, the winged bull with a human face, found in Mesopotamia, personified the era of Taurus and the constellation Taurus. The architecture of Mesopotamia is similar to that of Aldebaran.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

The Sumerian language looked like runic signs. These symbols had great magical powers. Runic letters were also given special importance. Their decoding took a lot of time. Runic signs were widely used to influence the masses by the ideologists of the Third Reich. The rune Zig (Soulu) was used as a distinctive sign of the SS units. Her physical expression was used in the greeting.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

The girls of Maria Orsic’s group also had runic names. For example, Zigrun – the Zig rune, meant victory.

Zig Rune is victory, strength, confidence, courage. Such a sign protects the wearer, helps to bring any business to the end. It was used by Hitler, people perceived it as a symbol of terror and death.

In the legends, Zigrun was one of the daughters of the Scandinavian god Odin. Gudrun stands for Battle and Mystery. Gudrun was the sister of the king of the Nibelungen.

On the graves of the SS, instead of a Christian cross, they painted the Tyr rune to unite the soul of the deceased with the egregor of the god of war.

The runic symbol of life was worn on uniforms by members of the selection squads.

The runic symbol denotes glory and achievement of goals.  Thanks to this rune, you can choose the best moment for development and cardinal changes in life.
The runic symbol denotes glory and achievement of goals. Thanks to this rune, you can choose the best moment for development and cardinal changes in life.

Hagal rune was depicted on the uniforms of all members of the SS organization. It was used to initiate in them the quality of unshakable faith.

Rune Hagal
Hagal Rune

With the help of the runes, the leaders of the Third Reich changed the state of consciousness of their subordinates and achieved complete obedience.

Maria Orsic and Hitler

In 1919, Maria became a member of the mystical organization Thule, to which Adolf Hitler, Himmler and other leaders of the Third Reich belonged. 

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Members of the society considered themselves descendants of the Aryans. They undertook two expeditions to the Himalayan region to obtain information from underground civilizations. Adolf Hitler was an admirer of German mysticism. 

He considered himself a descendant of the Aryan master race. Hitler was greatly impressed by the protocol of the Zion sages. He was an orator, but mediumistic abilities were given to him with difficulty.

Publication of the London newspaper "Sunday Times" 1956.
Publication of the London newspaper “Sunday Times” 1956.

Hitler was certainly interested in the information about new technologies. He met with Maria Orsic in 1919, supported her research and the work of a group of mediums from Vril. Several aircraft were built according to the drawings accepted by the members of the group. However, when he realized that technology could not be used for military purposes, his interest faded. The group was having difficulties with financing.

girl-medium who flew away from Earth

The Thule and Vril Society and the SS technical department were probably the first team ever to attempt to recreate an alien aircraft from a crashed UFO that was found in the Black Forest near Freiburg in 1936. The story of the discovery of the crashed starship is described in the book by John von Helsing. 

Based on the revolutionary technology developed as a result of the study of the remains of the apparatus, and the information received by the mediums Vril during occult sessions with space, H-Gerät, or Haunebu, was created – a disk aircraft, the development of which was funded by the Thule organization.


Maria Orsic disappeared with her fiancé and her entire group in 1945. On March 11, 1945, a letter was sent to all members of the Thule society, which was written by Maria Orsic and ended with the words “niemand bleibt hier” (“no one stayed here”). This was the last testimony about her group and since then no one has heard of Maria or the rest of her circle.

It has been suggested that they all flew away on flying saucers either to Antarctica or to Aldebaran.

The information provided here is not confirmed documented. They are based on eyewitness accounts and the secret knowledge of secret orders. The life and events in which the medium Maria Orshich participated were rather like a fairy tale, although there are no refutations of these materials either.


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