Plastic Surgery

Is it true that there was a secret society in England that kidnapped and mutilated children for circus performances?

Victor Hugo, in his 1869 novel “The Man Who Laughs,” described in some detail the secret society of comprachicos, which…

3 months ago

The owner of the largest lips increased them even more

Andrea Ivanova, a 22-year-old student from Bulgaria, made at least 20 lip injections for the sake of resembling the appearance…

4 years ago

Man Successfully Sues Wife Over Ugly Children and Judge Orders Wife to Pay $120,000

Jian Feng sued his wife for giving birth to what he called an “incredibly ugly” girl. “I married my wife…

10 years ago

Plastic Surgery To Create A Permanent Smile Debuts In South Korea

I’m guessing this terrifying procedure is nonetheless cheaper than a lifetime on antidepressants. The Atlantic reports: South Korea has helped paved…

11 years ago