
A photograph of an extraterrestrial organism is evidence of the existence of alien life, scientists say

This is the first ever depiction of a mysterious extraterrestrial organism, which scientists say is the last evidence of the…

3 years ago

The scientific perspective of the search for aliens

Is humanity the only form of intelligence developed enough to explore the universe? There is one of the greatest mysteries…

4 years ago

NASA: Extraterrestrial life is likely in several moons and planets (video)

Extraterrestrial life is called a life that may have originated outside the Earth. The related term extraterrestrial civilization is used…

4 years ago

Nasa revives ‘weird life forms’ trapped in giant underworld crystals

NASA decided to revive lifeforms which had been dormant for nearly 60,000 years. The reanimation of these organisms, which had…

6 years ago

Alien Contact – The Message

Extraterrestrial life (from the Latin words: extra ["beyond", or "not of"] and terrestris ["of or belonging to Earth"]) is defined as life that does not originate from Earth. It is…

11 years ago