First of all, let me say here that we are not offering medical advice. The information here is simply our opinion, based on our own research and experience.
If you are wondering how it has been so easy for TPTB to have turned the overwhelming majority of American population into sheep who believe everything they are told and comply with outrageous demands and actions, it is partly because they have for decades been replacing our good, healthy, natural foods with foods laced with poisons.
Why would anyone take pleasure in adulterating the food supply? Try this theory – if TPTB can make the masses believe that the cheap crap they get fed (butter substitutes from hydrogenated oils, sugar substitutes, flavor substitutes, etc.) is actually good food, then the less the peons need to have money and the more money is available for TPTB to harvest.
The assault has been revved up in the recent past with MSGs (monosodium glutamates – of whatever name they call it, and there’s a list a mile long), HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), Artificial Sweeteners, GMO (genetically modified organisms), Canola Oil, Hydrogenated Oils and emasculating Soy products among the worst, as well as fluoride in the water.
Do some research yourself on these, but here are the highlights of what we have learned:
MSG – is an excitotoxin, which speeds up the body’s absorption of other toxins, like mercury. It is addictive, so that your body craves more of the foods containing it, whether those foods are nutritious or not.
ALL of the list below are types of MSG or contain MSG: Glutamate
Glutamic Acid
Monosodium Glutamate
Monopotassium Glutamate
Yeast Extract
Yeast Food
Yeast Nutrient
Autolyzed Yeast
Autolyzed Yeast Extract
Torula Yeast
Autolyzed Soy Protein (any protein that is autolyzed)
Hydrolyzed Protein (any protein that is hydrolyzed)
Hydrolyzed Whey Protein
Hydrolyzed Pea Protein
Hydrolyzed Corn Protein
Hydrolyzed Corn Gluten
Calcium Caseinate
Sodium Caseinate
Textured Protein
Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
Natrium Glutamate (natrium is Latin/German for sodium)
HFCS – besides the corn from which it is made being GMO, these super sugars wreak havoc with the pancreas, speeding the road to obesity and Type II Diabetes.
Artificial Sweeteners – Aspartame, Sucralose, etc. all fool your pancreas into acting as if you really ate sugar. It sends out extra insulin to gobble up the sugar that is actually in your blood, causing you to be more hungry when your sugar levels dip. So instead of helping you lose weight, it can cause you to eat more.
GMO – yes, these do affect your genes as well! See the video, Genetic Roulette.
Canola Oil – was first developed as a cheap machine oil. It has been shown to scar arteries and is made from a GMO “rapeseed” plant, which was originally used to keep deer away from other crops. Canola is short for Canadian Oil Co.
Hydrogenated Oils – this is a process in which natural oils are mixed with water to the point that the fat cells are broken down so that they actually emulsify with the water molecules. The detrimental effect is that now those fat cells can be absorbed through the intestines and get more fat and cholesterol into the bloodstream. This is also true of Homogenized milk. Milk is splatted against a steel wall so that the fat breaks down to be evenly distributed throughout the milk (hence, no more cream at the top of the milk carton). Again, this makes it easier for the fat to get into the bloodstream.
Soy Products – virtually all soy is GMO and soy raises estrogen levels – in men as well as women.
Fluoride – fluoride is a toxic waste product of the aluminum manufacturing process. “Hey, why not feed it to the people! Let’s put it in their water! After all, it’s only a heavy metal and would go straight to their brains!”
Caring about what you eat is now classified as a mental illness – “orthorexia”. We knew someone who was a cook for one of the “elite.” He told us that his boss would eat NOTHING that wasn’t grown on his own farm (meats included), and that this was the case with all of the other “elites” he was in contact with. But if one of the “peons” cares about what they eat, they are labeled a kook and told to take Prozac.
All we know is that since our family is more careful to eat as little of these detrimental foods as possible – we spend hours reading labels before we buy anything – we feel better, are healthier and have more vitality than before and our minds are sharper.
Speaking of reading labels, don’t let a big splashy “Organic” on the front of a package fool you. It is now legal to call a food “organic” if only ONE ingredient in that food is actually organic! Foods that are labeled “organic” can contain any of the above foods to avoid as well, again, as long as ONE ingredient is truly organic. Bring your glasses to the grocery store and READ THE LABELS!
Unfortunately, it is IL-legal to mark non-GMO foods as such. According to the government, it would be unfair to the producers of GMO foods to let the consumer know what they are about to eat. Heaven forbid they give the consumer a fair choice!
Regarding eggs, having your own chickens is the ultimate, or at least buying farm fresh eggs in smaller, local markets. Commercial eggs can be 3 months old before they get to the grocers’ shelves, and can contain high levels of salmonella, listeria and e-coli.
A word about the new onslaught into the marketplace of “freeze-dried storage foods” for survivalists… Please read the ingredients of those foods and compare them to the lists above. Some may say “No added MSG”, but that doesn’t mean they don’t contain MSG. Also, with the amount of soy products they contain and at least 85% of soy being GMO, it’s hard to believe it when they tout their products as “NO GMO”. “Single-sylable” storage foods – wheat, rice, beans, etc. – are still the best way to go.
Our diet consists mainly of whole, organic grains (wheat that we grind into our own flour and brown rice), proteins from lentils and beans, farm fresh eggs from our own chickens, sea salt, raw sugar and vegetables from our own garden. We do eat meat occasionally.
For most of you, eating nutritious food that you prepare yourself will be a new experience. Because you will actually be eating food that contains nutrients your bodies need and not just empty calories, you will find that you have to eat less to be satisfied and will lose some weight in the process.
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