Nowadays, few people are interested in what is happening in the world in general – in fact. The era of free Internet has long passed and imperceptibly and even routinely – “Big Brother” put this once free space under complete control. The main streams of information are controlled by the leading media, TV and two monopolists “G” and “I”.
Now we are witnessing a banal “carrot and stick” method, when the fundamental changes affecting the very near future of human society are hidden under the waves of fear of “terrible Covid” and wrapped in a white and fluffy, unobtrusively stupefying information field, and in the meantime we stand on the threshold of total lack of freedom.
We guess that hardly any of you have read the draft of the World Economic Forum (WEF): “ Resetting the Agenda for the Future: Destruction and Renewal in the Post-COVID World», Which was published on October 2, 2020. This is our very present and the nearest future. After reading this report, the plot of Orwell’s book 1984 comes to mind – which I consider to be a warning to all mankind, which is that if the course of history does not change, people around the world will lose their most human qualities, turn into soulless automata and will not even suspect about it.
Only this book by Orwell, in comparison with the WEF project, will seem like a children’s fairy tale. The only problem is that this is not a fairy tale and not a fantasy on the topic, but a guide to action. The period allotted for implementation is ten years. These plans will be implemented by 2030 – the UN agenda for 2021-2030 should be completed by that time.
Great Reboot & Planned business measures in response to COVID-19:
1. Accelerate the digitization of work processes (eg, use of digital tools, video conferencing)
2. It is planned that about 83% of people will work remotely – ie. there will be no more interaction between colleagues – absolute social distancing, the separation of humanity from human contact.
3. It is planned to automate about 50% of all tasks – in other words, human participation will be significantly reduced, even when working remotely.
4.advanced training / retraining (for example, educational technology providers) – 42% of advanced training or training in new skills will be digitized, in other words, without contact with people – everything on a computer, using artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms.
5. Accelerating the introduction of advanced training / retraining programs – 35% of skills are planned to be “readjusted” – ie. it is planned to abandon the existing skills.
6.Accelerating ongoing organizational changes (eg restructuring) – 34% of existing organizational structures are planned to be “restructured” – or in other words, existing organizational structures will be declared obsolete to make room for new sets of organizational structures, digital structures that provide maximum control over all activities …
7.Reassign workers temporarily to other tasks – 30% of the workforce is expected to be affected. It also means a completely different pay scale – most likely unfit for living, which will make the planned “universal base wage” or “basic income” a reality – a wage that will allow you to barely make ends meet. This will put you completely dependent on a digital system that you have absolutely no control over.
8. Temporary workforce cuts are projected to affect 28% of the population. This is an additional unemployment rate in disguise, as “temporarily unemployed” will never return to full employment.
9. To permanently reduce the staff – 13% will be permanently reduced.
ten.Temporarily increase the labor force – 5% – there is no indication what type of labor force – probably unskilled labor, which sooner or later will also be replaced by automation, AI and robotization of jobs.
11. No specific measures have been implemented – 4% – does this mean that only 4% of jobs will remain untouched?
12. Continuously Increase Workforce – Just 1% is forecasted as a “constantly expanding workforce”. This is not a joke, only 1%
The Great Reset also provides a credit scheme that will “forgive” all of your personal debt – subject to the transfer of all personal assets to an administrative body or agency – possibly the IMF.
This means that you do not own anything – and you will be “happy”. Because everything you need will be provided to the extent that the system decides.
If human equality must be made impossible forever, if the higher ones, as we call them, want to keep their place forever, then the dominant state of mind must be controlled madness. (“1984” Orwell)
You will say “I will not agree to this!”, And who will ask you? Are you asked now? Will the Constitution ensure your rights? Will the laws ensure your rights? Do they provide them now? Think about Elon Musk’s global satellite system, think about 5 and 6G technologies, think about how to simply use it all to govern the new “digital world”.
“In addition to the number of positive effects of giving employees the flexibility to work remotely, it also gives companies the opportunity to expand their employee base by looking outside of traditional sources — both geographically and demographically. Remote work removes physical boundaries that previously limited talent. reserve, and allows you to hire employees in different cities, countries. and continents. New ways of working open up new opportunities, allowing companies to find qualified employees around the world “- the problem is that there will no longer be an internal market for jobs and your job may be taken someone from “another country or another continent,” simply because he is more skilled, or less demanding.
In the UK, 48% of telecommuters reported long and irregular working hours, and 60% said they had increased fatigue symptoms. Working at night, the inability to get rest after a working day, since the very concept of “working day” has disappeared.
“The impact of COVID-19 has led companies around the world to suddenly redefine the role of the office. The traditional goals of a company’s dedicated space include fostering team interaction, creating a sense of community, performing certain types of work in which materials and equipment cannot be transferred, and providing a workplace for those who do not have the infrastructure at home or the ability to work effectively remotely. However, in the long run, offices may not be an important component for all employees. Facebook, for example, expects that half of its employees will work remotely in the future.”
Teleworking increases the risk of isolation and mental health problems. In the US, 88% of workers said they were under moderate to severe stress during the pandemic, and more than two-thirds said it was the most stressful
period of their careers.
Brave New World or Digital Prison?
Employees working entirely remotely overlook the camaraderie and casual interactions of office life. The British Institute for Employment Research found that 33% of workers often feel isolated when working remotely.
What makes a person – a person, and human society – a society? Communication is live communication. Team relations are an important component of the formation of the whole society. If we deprive people of the opportunity for live communication in the process of work, we will break these ties, turning people not into society, but into separate, isolated citizens. At the same time, we will be able to fully control each “digital worker”, depriving him of the opportunity to participate in the “collective opinion”.
Social and human relationships are depleted. This has many advantages for the new “totalitarian” approach of the WEF to humanity – to control over humanity.
You had to live – and you lived, according to a habit that turned into instinct – with the knowledge that your every word is overheard and your every movement, until the light goes out, is watched. ( “1984” Orwell)
…and the living will envy the dead!