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Who wore crosses around their necks 3000 years before Christians

Who wore crosses around their necks 3000 years before Christians 1

Christians were not the first to wear cruciform figures around their necks. Before them, this was done by the ancient inhabitants of the island of Cyprus. Did the Christians reused this symbol from them?

The Idol of Pomos, which you can see in the picture above, was found in Cyprus. It is about 5000-6000 years old.

It is interesting primarily because it has a cruciform shape. A pectoral cross is depicted on the figure’s neck. You might think that Christians borrowed this symbol from the ancient Cypriots who lived in the Copper-Stone Age and created cruciform figures.

Archaeologists carried out lengthy excavations during the second half of the 20th century and found many cruciform idols in the village of Pomos in the Paphos region of western Cyprus. Today they are kept in the Cyprus Archaeological Museum.

Who wore crosses around their necks 3000 years before Christians 2

All the figures are cruciform, but the most remarkable of them is in the center. It is 17 cm in size and has a copy of it in the form of a pendant on its neck, which speaks of the strengthened tradition of wearing cruciform amulets among the ancient inhabitants of Cyprus. Smaller figures could have been such amulets.

The figurine with a cross on its neck was called the Pomos idol. The sculpture depicts a woman with outstretched arms and was most likely used as a symbol of fertility. Unlike the Christian cross, where Jesus hangs on the cross, these sculptures have a sitting position.

Outstretched arms can be regarded as fertile women. Some figurines have distinct sexual characteristics. Apparently, the ancient Cypriots wore them around their necks for better fertility.

Who wore crosses around their necks 3000 years before Christians 3

There are variants of sculptures where two figures are intertwined in a cruciform shape. It is difficult to interpret this approach to creating an ancient amulet. Perhaps the authors wanted to enhance the potential of the idol.

Who wore crosses around their necks 3000 years before Christians 4

Today the Pomos Idol is one of the main symbols of Cyprus. He was depicted on Cypriot coins in denominations of 1 and 2 euros. At the entrance to Pomos, there is a monument dedicated to an idol. Instead of Christian crosses, they make jewelry with the Pomos idol.

Who wore crosses around their necks 3000 years before Christians 5

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