There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers. — Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (source)
Witness testimony when it comes to ‘credibility’ is not really seen as a good source of information within the mainstream world, except when it fits into the accepted view of reality, or the reality that’s given to us by the global elite. At this point, it’s not hard to see the consistent stream of lies, in almost all realms from health to politics, that’s dished out by establishment media on a regular basis.
When information is presented which goes against the grain no matter how credible the source, even if it goes far beyond simple witness testimony and into hard evidence, it’s always greeted with a harsh response. We see this today with science, and findings that challenge belief systems and have paradigm-shifting implications (like non-material science).
Things, however, are changing, the collective mind is definitely opening and willing to accept the fact that there are concepts of our reality that we may have overlooked, especially towards things that don’t fit the frame.
One of these topics is intelligent extraterrestrial life. Judging by global polls alone, a large portion of the world seems to believe that we are not alone in the universe and that there is intelligent life out there, it’s not just us…
A large portion also believes that intelligent extraterrestrial life has, and could be visiting our planet.
Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth NOW; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking. – Theodor C. Loder III, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)
When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, it’s not really taboo to discuss anymore. Dozens of governments have admitted to the existence of UFOs, they’ve released electrooptical data (radar tracking, video footage), and more. The phenomenon is real, and that really can’t be debunked or argued against. The U.S. government has also started a slow process of disclosure, having released multiple videos of their own through to the stars academy.
When it comes to the extraterrestrial hypothesis for the explanation of some of these UFOs, we have hundreds of high-ranking people from within the military, politics, aerospace, and education sector who have been telling the world that yes, some of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial space-craft.
There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time… that these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems…That seems to be a common denomantaor of the UFO phenomenon. – Dr.Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor. (source)
We’ve written a lot about the phenomenon, and to sift through the articles we’ve published for the past (nearly) 10 years, you can visit the disclosure section of our website. I thought it was important to briefly mention the information above.
Phobos II
Space is a strange place, a place we don’t know much about, and an area that seems to be dominated by Black Budget Special Access Programs (SAP’s), and Unacknowledged Special Access programs. These are programs that are so secretive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to Congress.
This has been made clear, not only by those who have investigated black budget programs (not many, more on that in the article linked above), but also by whistle-blowers, and people like Gary Mckinnon, who performed the largest military computer hack in history, finding strange pictures of space-ships floating near the Earth, as well as a list of “off-world officers” and “fleet to fleet” transfers of materials.
So, what happened to Phobos II? Phobos II was (from what we’re told), the very last space probe designed by the Soviet Union. It was designed to explore the moons of Mars, Phobos, and Demimos. It was launched on July 12th, 1988, and entered into orbit on January 29th, 1989.
The Probe got close to the surface of Mars, investigating its surface and atmosphere as well as returning approximately 40 images. The probe was also supposed to approach Phobos within 50 meters and release two landers, but all of a sudden, the mission ended and contact with the probe was completely lost. The ‘official’ answer from NASA was that there was a malfunction onboard, but according to others, with ‘credibility,’ this is not what happened.
As Jim Mars points out in one of his books, Our Occulted History.
In mid-1991, six former U.S. Army remote viewers were commissioned by officials within the Russian space program to study the cause of Phobos II’s disappearance. Remote viewing is the term given to a controlled psychic ability that allows one to perceive persons, places, and things at a distance without the use of the normal five senses. Such techniques were studied by both academic and government scientists before the creation of a remote-viewing unit witin the U.S. Amy’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSOCOM) in the early 1970s.
Remote viewing was part of the US Government’s STARGATE program.
Anytime I mention remote viewing in an article, I always have to throw this in there from the declassified literature,
Successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the (remote viewing) phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise. The CIA even participated as remote viewers themselves in order to critique the protocols. CIA personnel generated successful target descriptions of sufficiently high quality to permit blind matching of descriptions to targets by independent judges (sources)
According to Mars, in 1991, the remote viewers issued a report titled “Enigma Penetration: Soviet Phobos II Space Craft Images Anomaly.” The report outlined how a disc-shaped object arose from the surface of Mars as Phobos neared, all while a second object moved even closer, scanning the probe, and then shooting some sort of, what appeared to be, a particle beam device, which disrupted the communication and guidance equipment.
This isn’t the first time a UFO has been said to shoot some sort of beam disrupting Earthly equipment, Colonel Ross Dedrickson, a high-ranking Air Force Officer who had a long stint with the US atomic energy commission provided an example in this interview, he also said extraterrestrial destroyed nuclear weapons that the US government wanted to detonate on the moon for scientific purposes...Here’s another video of Professor Robert Jacobs describing another similar incident.
So, it’s not the first time we’re hearing about something like this.
Back to Phobos, according to Mars, the remote viewers said that “this may have been no accident, as it seems that all of the technology put into space from Earth is scrutinized closely by nonhumans. If it would reveal alien activities, then it is decommissioned. After being struck, Phobos II spiralled down crashing onto the Martian surface.
The remote viewers aren’t the only ones who spoke of such an incident. In 1991, a retired Soviet Air Force colonel and cosmonaut trainee named Marina Popovic, pictured belw on the far right, expressed that one of the last photographs received by the Russians from Phobos II showed “the silhouette of an odd-shaped object approaching the spacecraft.” Popovich said the picture was taken on March 25th, 1989, in deep space near Phobos (moon of Mars) shortly before contact with the craft was lost. She said the object very well may have been an alien spacecraft.” Her belief that this happened was also poorly expressed by the New York Times.
She is holding the photo below.
Why would she be lying ? Especially when she is one of dozens of global astronauts to confirm the existence of “UFOs”, and some have confirmed the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
Alexander Dunayev, chairman of the Society Space organization responsible for the Phobos II project, said that “the doomed probe had photographed the image of a small odd-shaped object between itself and Mars. He speculated that the object might have been “debris in the orbit of Phobos” or even jettisoned parts from the spacecraft. His tone was anything but certain.
Here’s another picture.
What’s most intriguing about this story is that the photograph drawn by the remote viewers matched the description of the disc above, which is something that was quite common in the remote viewing program. Again, it had an extremely high success rate, with viewers able to peer into secret Russian military bases and describe weapons facilities, naval facilities and more. They even used the program to locate a lost spy plane in Africa. There are multiple examples found within the declassified literature, and even more from the participants from within that program, like Ingo Swann, Pat Price, Joseph McMoneagle, Paul Smith, and many more.
The military-trained remote viewers, however, said they saw Mars Observer meeting the same fat as Phobos II as well as other, secret space launch that same moe month in 1993. They noted the similarity of fates between the Phobos missions and Mars observer. This pattern may have continued in another failed Russian attempt to probe the secrets of Phobos. In the fall of 2011, control over Phobos Grunt (literally, Phobos Soil) was lost, and fears grew that its ten-ton load of toxic fuel and oxidizer might wreak havoc when the failed craft reentered Earth’s atmosphere. The stricken craft reportedly crashed into the Pacific Ocean on Sunday, January 15th, 2012, with no reported consequence. Why would all these probes be failing? Could it be that something on Mars doesn’t want us observing the planet? One thing seems clear – someone or something continues to operate far outside Earth. (Our Occulted History)
I’ll leave you with this interview, where Buzz Aldrin said that there is a “monolith” on the moon of Mars.