From the world’s “top” to the “bottom” media are broadcasted completely inconsistent forecasts regarding the further prospects for the spread of coronavirus infection and a new tightening of anti-epidemic measures.
However, the same uncertainty and inconsistency is evident even at the global level. While epidemiologists, relying on statistical data on the dynamics of “covid” morbidity and mortality in different countries of the world, are predicting a “second wave” of this infection for mankind, officials of the World Health Organization (WHO), in particular – the head of the division of this structure for new diseases and zoonosis, Maria Van Kerkhov, declare that the “first wave” of the coronavirus pandemic did not exist in nature.
It turns out there are good reasons for this: on March 11, 2020, the pandemic was declared “in advance” , due to the almost simultaneous detection of a large number of patients around the world outside the original focus of infection in the Chinese city of Wuhan.
By the way, this happened literally the next day after Chinese President Xi Jinping personally arrived in Wuhan and proclaimed victory over the coronavirus.
Almost six months have passed since that moment. The total number of infected people as of August 31, 2020 amounted to slightly more than 25.5 million people (0.32% of the world’s population), the death toll – slightly more than 852 thousand people (the average world mortality rate is 3.3%). As you wish, but this data does not “pull” into a real pandemic. From the word “absolutely”. Moreover, about 170 thousand people die every day in the world, and since the beginning of the year, 6.3 million people have died from coronary heart disease (IHD) alone – 7 times more than from COVID-19 and the complications caused by this infection.
Therefore, there is every reason to consider the version set forth in our article “Coronavirus was planned – A Synopsis of devilish coincidences” to be quite close to reality. Let us provide you here some possible provisions.
First. The modern level of development of biotechnology makes it possible to create various modifications of viruses, including those pathogenic for humans, using almost “conveyor” 3D printing methods.
Second. The epidemiological picture of the spread of COVID-19 is atypical for “natural” infections, as is the ultra-high mutation rate of its causative agent, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
Third. This suggests that we are not dealing with a super-fast mutating virus, and initially with different initial strains , which are distributed by artificial means in different human populations – collection, analysis and assessment of their clinical manifestations. This thesis is confirmed by numerous cases of “re-infection”, ie. the lack of cross-immunity in humans to various strains of SARS-CoV2.Accordingly, any vaccines, including the Russian Sputnik V, are highly likely to have far from universal anti-coronavirus efficacy.
Fourth. All these experiments are carried out by transnational structures.that are not openly affiliated with one or another state (group of states). At the same time, these structures have the ability to block the investigation of their actions at the international level.This issue is not raised or discussed in the global media space at all – in contrast to the US attempts to blame China for the allegedly “Chinese” virus. This is understandable: after all, the losses of the American economy in absolute terms turned out to be maximum: 32.9% of the “net” drop in GDP for the second quarter of 2020 is about 1.8 trillion US dollars
Fifth. This situation opens up the potential for the formation of more and more “infectious waves” that threaten the very existence of mankind and create conditions for the formation of a “world government” that is able to control this “amount of technologies.” Moreover, in the not too distant prospect of using such technologies, the contours of such a “viral” dystopia emerge, within which each person may not be assigned an individual electronic number, but a unique personal strain of the virus may be introduced, posing a mortal danger to any other person with unauthorized types of interpersonal contacts.
All this is far from abstract reasoning. Especially – given the socio-economic consequences of the “anti-coronavirus” measures taken by the authorities of the overwhelming majority of countries in the world: a multi-trillion (in dollars) drop in production and world trade, up to hundreds of millions of unemployed, a widespread drop in real incomes of the population, restriction of human rights and freedoms even where they were, and in those scanty “market” volumes in which they existed … And – no one is to blame: you can’t ask about a virus?
But experts are convinced that in the event of the beginning of the “second wave” of coronavirus infection and, accordingly, the “regime of general self-isolation”, the world economy will face irreversible, catastrophic changes, in scale and significance at least an order of magnitude greater than the Great Depression of the 1930s.