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Watch This Secret Video Before NASA Deletes It…

Watch This Secret Video Before NASA Deletes It... 1

How much do you know about outer space? Whatever the answer to that may be, unless you work for NASA we’re gonna go ahead and guess that you may not have all the answers about what’s really out there. But that’s ok! Because today, we got you covered. So, without further a do Top 5 Supreme is bringing you Watch This Secret Video Before NASA Deletes it! Be sure to watch this video to the end, because number 1 on this list will definitely surprise you. Before we begin with today’s video, don’t forget to click the bell to get notified every single day with the best Tops you’ll ever see! Also, don’t forget to subscribe to this channel! So without waiting for anything else, let’s get rolling!

#5 Apollo 11 Missing Tapes

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren were the first men to land on the moon, and they did it on July 20 1969. The people of America were ecstatic because it appeared as if the United States had won the space race, and were the first country to land on the moon. The event was broadcast live on television, until one day the tapes just went missing. That’s right, in the early 2000s this important piece of history just disappeared. Some people thought that the tapes had ended up just shipped to another facility, while others suggest that these specific tapes were just a couple out of over 700 NASA tapes that were inadvertently erased. We’ll let you be the judge of what you think happened.

#4 No Life Insurance

Continuing with the Apollo 11 astronauts. . . some would be sad to hear that these brave and fearless pilots were denied a basic, working right – life insurance. These people had families. Kids. Wives. So with that understanding these government employees had to come up with something quick – and they did. Signing autographs. By the time the mission to the moon was announced to the public, the pilots were already famous. So they started signing autographs and sending them home, so that in the event that the pilots didn’t return then they’re families could sell the signatures. Fortunately the pilots made it home safe, but if you’re lucky enough to have one of those autographs you can likely sell it for close to $30,000.

#3 Whale Oil Powers Telescope

Another rumor that NASA has dealt with over the years is the fact that most people believe they used whale oil to power the hubble space telescope. The reason NASA may have used the whale oil is simple; it can stand below freezing temperatures and can tolerate the harsh space conditions better than anything else, however, NASA never said whether or not those rumors are true. And for good reason, as who would be happy about that?

#2 James Webb Space Telescope

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What takes over 20 years to make and billions of dollars to construct? A space telescope. A very, very large space telescope. The James Webb Space Telescope – which still isn’t finished – has come under a lot of scrutiny. It has a mirror on it that is 7 times larger that the one that came before it, but supposedly will be powerful enough to extend the viewing power of the previous largest telescope, the Hubble. Many question whether or not the time and money spend to erect such a large piece of equipment is worth it. Like I said, this thing has cost billions of dollars to make, and won’t be ready until October of 2018. No word on how they plan on actually launching this thing, but I think it’s safe to say that we’ll all have our eyes to the sk the day the James Webb Space Telescope is launched.

#1 Being an Astronaut is Very Hard

You may recall your mom or dad telling you that you can be whatever you want when you grow up – but I think that statement should be amended to say ‘except for an astronaut’. According to reports the highest qualified candidates have just a zero point 8 percent chance of actually becoming an astronaut. And then if you are selected, you have a high chance of contracting depression once you return home, as that unfortunately is a likely side effect after returning home. And that is today’s list! Thanks for watching today’s video. If you like this list, leave a thumbs up and share with all of your friends! And don’t forget to subscribe to this channel so you never have to miss out on any of our interesting video sever again!


Source: Top 5s Supreme ~ YouTube


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