Despite the efforts of government officials, mummies and skeptics around the world, scientists and researchers trying to study Nazca’s mysterious three-fingered mummies continue to fight for the world’s right to see what these preserved beings are.
On November 6, 2019, four of them made presentations at the VI International Research Congress, organized by the National University San Luis Gonzaga – the university that now owns the three-finger mummies. Fortunately for the uninvited (us, for example), Giorgio Piacenza of ExoNews (Instituto Exopolitica News Service) attended the conference and was able to interview some of the university’s presenters, participants and staff.
Biologist José da Cruz Ríos López, who participated in historical and DNA testing on mummies, confirmed to Piacenza that the research follows objective scientific principles and is not involved in any monetary gain. He reiterated that it would be impossible to create these three-finger mummies from human and / or animal parts. See the interview below:
In his interview with Piacenza, the University’s vice president of research, Dr. Martin Alarcón Quispe talks about protecting the three-fingered mummies from skeptics, including the Peruvian Ministry of Culture, while still providing access to serious scientific researchers and members of the public. The vice president said the mummies have reptile skin that could help them survive in the desert, and their DNA does not correspond to any known species. However, he wants the process to be scientific, regardless of the final results and determinations. Watch:
Then Dr. Galeckii Dimitri from Russia who also confirmed that his research found that the mummies could not have been assembled and in his mind were not fakes. Although they have some human traits, he doesn’t believe they’re human. The skin on the mummies is continuous, not pieced together. He found no evidence of alterations, either physical or chemical, to the mummies, and confirmed that not only were egg-like things seen by X-ray inside the bodies, they were surrounded by a membrane.. Video below:
Piacenza spoke with Dr. Robert E. Farrell, an engineering professor and researcher with an interest in UFO / UFO, as well as three-finger mummies. For him, CAT scans prove that they are non-human beings, possibly from another planet. He also explains how carbon dating can determine the age of Maria, the largest of the mummies, even if she came from another planet. Watch:
Finally, Piacenza includes an interview with someone who has been involved with the three-finger mummies since the discovery was announced – investigative reporter Jaime Maussan. He summarizes many of the unusual findings about the mummies and the resistance to this research that could change human history. Watch it below:
If you’re looking for definitive proof that these three-finger mummies were once aliens, the interviews won’t provide them. However, data continues to accumulate, saying that they’re something other than human and not fakes.…