
Unveiling the Dark Truth of curses and spells in the motherland of the magicians

In ancient Egypt, magic was an integral part of daily life. Everything in the universe was thought to be created and sustained by it, and it was omnipresent, though mastery of it required learning.

Furthermore, it was used to heal the sick, ward off demons, and foretell the future. The ancient Egyptians held a strong belief in the power of magic, considering the very existence of the world as evidence of this force.

In the early third century AD, the Christian theologian Titus Flavius Clemens, also known as Clement of Alexandria, proclaimed, “Egypt was the motherland of the magicians.”

For the ancient Egyptians, magic was a crucial element. It was essential for the smooth operation of both the state and the cosmos. Heka permeated all, and mastering this ancient force was equivalent to acquiring the powers of creation and the gods themselves.

Art and science are imbued with magic, as is everything around us.

In the Egyptian cosmology, the universe emerged from the waters of Nun, the primordial ocean that held the potential for all things, including the gods.

From this ocean, the earth materialized. Upon the first mound, the initial creator deity emerged and proceeded to fashion the remainder of the world.

The primordial life force that enabled all of this and sustained the universe’s delicate balance is “Maat,” while “Heka” represents both “matter” and the “science” of magic simultaneously.

Gods, magicians, and pharaohs possessed this power, enabling them to manipulate the cosmos. To gather heka, they utilized amulets and statues adorned with spells, staves and papyri, music and incantations, figurines and frescoes, along with writing, arithmetic, and oration. Herbs, stones, liquids, and incense, as well as attire and jewelry, cosmetics and fragrances, weapons, and furnishings, were all employed in this endeavor.

“The Book of the Dead” possesses a magical quality as well!

Certain Egyptian priests, particularly the reciter priests from the Houses of Life, were not just intermediaries between humans and gods; they were potent magicians adept in wielding heka during rituals to preserve the universe’s equilibrium.

Each night, Ra, the sun god, traverses the sky in his boat, passes into the Other World via the West, and emerges anew, vigorous and radiant, in the East.

However, his passage through the netherworld is perilous. The agents of Chaos persist in their endeavor to revert the cosmos to its primordial state. And before he can rise again in the East, the Sun God must confront these agents of Chaos, epitomized by the fearsome serpent Apophis, who assails the solar barque nightly.

The Sun god’s boat in the Other World.

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The gods wield heka, the force of magic, to combat Apophis and safeguard the Sun god along with the cosmos itself.

Indeed, Heka, recognized as a deity, is an ally of Ra, offering him protection. He is commonly portrayed as a man who is throttling two massive entwined serpents.

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Meanwhile, on Earth, priests carry out rituals to assist the deity and his entourage.

Atum vs. Apep.

Magi also serve a crucial role at court, interpreting the Pharaoh’s dreams, offering counsel, and conducting rituals and spells to assist in his pursuits.

It’s peculiar that skilled local specialists weren’t consulted. Indeed, it’s often claimed that Egypt is full of magicians who, ironically, seem incapable of anything significant. One wonders why they are retained.

Priests are adept in various domains of magical lore, notably those serving the formidable lioness goddess Sekhmet, who are proficient in healing magic.

The epitome of both magician and priest is embodied by the pharaoh, the earthly ‘son of the god.’ His divine parentage endows him with formidable power, a fact all Egyptians regard with utmost seriousness.

This power radiates from the pharaoh, imbuing his garments and any objects he touches with a potent force that can be detrimental, even deadly, if mishandled.

As the sole, authoritative practitioner and exponent of ‘state magic,’ the pharaoh’s duties encompass sustaining the cosmic order and quelling Egypt’s adversaries.

So, you cannot deceive us with that trick.

A unique form of magic was employed to safeguard against numerous creatures that posed a threat to the living.

The realm of the ancient Egyptians teemed with demons, demi-gods, and perilous undead described as malformed beings that walked with their heads and feet reversed. These fearsome entities were believed by the Egyptians to be the culprits behind eerie nocturnal noises and various frightening events, materializing before the living or haunting them in their dreams.

Protective rituals were conducted to instill fear in evil spirits and the undead, thereby keeping them at bay from the most vulnerable, particularly children, expectant mothers, and women who had just given birth.

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