Harrison Koehli Sott.net
On February 26, UFOs were recorded on video and camera in Philadelphia, PA, and Lewisburg, MS. Angela Ashton, of Lewisburg, reported being in bed just after midnight when a “bright blinding light” shone through her window. She rushed outside to film it, describing it as triangle in shape and “at least the size of a football field”. It reportedly hovered silently for about twenty minutes over a field before shooting straight up into the sky.
Here’s the video Ashton shot:
That evening, a witness reports to MUFON that he was driving northeast of Philadelphia just after 7:30 p.m., when he “Noticed lights swirling around and had to look twice because there were wires on both sides of the street and directly above for electric buses … I thought it was reflections of some sort at first.” Upon pulling over to take a closer look, he took the pictures at the head of this article, and below, as well as video (bad quality, he says).
Witness image #2.
Early last month, on February third, in Earl Shilton, Leicestershire, a woman awoke at about 4:50 am to odd sounds. Not finding anything wrong in the house, she noticed two lights outside her window, which appeared to be hovering. The lights, which she captured on video, apparently were moving from side to side, merging together and coming apart, before shooting off at a very high speed.