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Aliens & UFO's
According to a Pentagon informant, the US government is preparing to share UFO information with the public as early as June this year. The...
“Flying saucers” were reportedly tracked on radar at speeds up to 3,600 mph. Respected and influential members of the intelligence community joined a private...
Aliens & UFO's
If you’re worried about invasions from outer space (or from inside the Earth or from another dimension), you may want to listen to what...
The way Measles is discussed in today’s world, you’d think it was similar to the black plague. We tout vaccinations for saving millions of...
Aliens & UFO's
A couple of major news outlets today tossed up headlines saying Vladimir Putin is about to disclose the reality of alien presence on earth. A...
Aliens & UFO's
John Podesta was recently appointed as councillor to Barack Obama.(1)(2) The 64 year old former chief of staff to the Clinton administration will be dipping...
(Truthstream The Rockefellers, one of the world’s wealthiest families, have been the largest financial backer of Eugenics and other population control measures. Author...
The man who forced the government of Iceland to resign and removed the IMF representatives from his country, , is now teaching meta-modern democracy...