On Tuesday, November 26, 2019, NORAD announced the blocking of airspace and roads adjacent to the White House and Capitol Hill, due to a potential violation of airspace, which may have been caused by an unidentified drop-shaped flying object that was stationed above the White House and the Capitol. For officials of the NSA and the White House, of course, in order to minimize and ridicule the incident, they said it was a flock of birds.
A spokesman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) told NBC News that the object that caused the airspace blockage may have been caused by “a flock of birds or a weather balloon”. The spokesman also stated that the event was “resolved without incident”. On Tuesday the White House and the Capitol Building suffered a brief power failure.
You don’t have to believe to extraterrestrials to know that the US government knows how a flock of birds appears on the radar. And it’s not even the first time that unexplained UFO activities take place on the White House!
But the ufologists have asked themselves ironically: how can a flock of birds stop at the White House and on the Capitol, causing a blockage of the electric current and subsequent blockage of the air space, putting NORAD on alert?
The US government has tried to ridiculously explain the situation by saying that the birds have been seen on an obsolete radar system, and even saying that it is a creation by a cloudy, and therefore meteorological, system, they have even said that this huge object on sight, could be a small drone. Clearly they have no idea what this object was … so it wasn’t identified … and it was flying, and it was a solid object.
The British ufologist Scott Waring said: ” This is absolutely a visit of alien ships. The UFOs were seen in Washington as early as 1952, when for several weeks from July 12 to July 29, the objects were first sighted on radar … just like this week’s UFO. Then they saw on the radar that the ship’s movements did not resemble the conventional ones, but moved like nothing they had ever seen. Then a plane spotted one … saying it was like an orange fireball with a long trail, but others were white and without tails. I am sure that 1952 was not the first time ever, and 2019 will not be the last. “
The NORAD, after this UFO sighting, sent three F16 fighters for a reconnaissance flight over.