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Did the brothers really witness two UFOs dogfighting ?
Rob and Phil Tindale have stood by their claim that they witnessed two UFOs battling in the skies over Australia.
At around 9:30pm on February 7th, 1980, the ten-year-old siblings had been at their family home in Aldgate when they spotted a bright yellow object ‘bobbing about’ in the sky about 20 miles away.
A few minutes later, it was joined by a second, slightly larger object that was emitting a red light.
According to the brothers, the second object would fly up to the first, stop, reverse, then repeat the process over and over as if it was trying to provoke a reaction.
Then, without warning, the yellow object took off at great speed, prompting a cat-and-mouse chase through the sky with both objects exhibiting remarkable maneuvering capabilities and speeds.
After about 15 minutes, the two objects zoomed off over a hill and out of sight.
Even to this day, the two brothers remain adamant about what they had seen.
“Certainly there were two lights, one appeared to be chasing the other, they both dipped below the horizon,” said Rob. “It was a very memorable thing.”
There were other witnesses too, including local farmhand Daryl Browne who reported seeing a “speedboat-shaped yellow thing” crash into some nearby trees.
When he went out to investigate, he encountered the object which he claimed was 30ft across.
He quickly called the police, but by the time anyone showed up the object had disappeared.
Broken branches were found strewn across the crash site, but that was all.
“Over the years I’ve done lots of reading but also personal investigation, contacting people one to one,” said Rob. “There are loads of people out there who just don’t report it, don’t talk about it.”
“Not everyone has a fantastically compelling sighting, often it’s just lights in the sky, but there are significant numbers of sightings where there is an object that is so far beyond our capability it has to be extraterrestrial.”
Source: New Zealand Herald