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Traces of the ruler of ancient Egypt lead to the moon

Traces of the ruler of ancient Egypt lead to the moon 1

With all the complexities of the modern world, mankind is preparing for a new cosmic leap. The main issue of world cosmonautics is not only flight, but also the primary arrangement of man on the moon, the creation of lunar bases. The drama and difficulties of today can only slow down this process, but they will not stop it and will not cancel it.

Firstly, this is already enshrined in the plans of China, the USA, the United Europe, and Russia as the next task of cosmonautics. Moreover, this club is prone to expansion. Secondly, the reason for the planned flights is not only, but not so much ordinary and professional curiosity, although this is very significant. There are much more serious reasons for flying.

Traces of the ruler of ancient Egypt lead to the moon 2
Breastplate of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

(“Pectoral of Tutankhamun”). 

Photo from the author’s archive

Say, strategically, the Earth’s satellite is the primary extraterrestrial territory for the continuation of the natural expansion of mankind. Without such expansion, even by virtue of the law of increasing needs, we will simply eat and destroy our planet. We simply do not have enough resources, as well as the ability of the planet’s nature to recover from “communication” with us.

The introduction of ever new technologies of this contradiction, alas, will not remove it. It is simply superseded to a new level. Let’s say there was a time when Londoners were afraid that horse dung would flood the city to the very rooftops. This, fortunately, did not happen thanks to the advent of the car. But today we understand that a car is a means of salvation from manure, but not at all a conservation of nature. And with this “magic wand”, a conversation about the impact on nature now needs to be conducted not on an urban, but on a global scale!

By virtue of our very being, obliging us to interact with the nature of the Earth in an active way, the strategic prospects of mankind can only be associated with cosmic expansion!

Space expansion is also important for its humanitarian consequences. Expansion is an inspirational move forward. Remember the spiritual uplift of the beginning of the space age! Until a new breakthrough of this level has occurred, modern culture has to get bored with sorting out the already worked out set of basic ideas and impressions. Hence the popularity of remakes and radical interpretations of the already known. Meanwhile, the expectations related to the space program are not exhausted by what has already been said.

Space is interesting not only for its tangible pragmatics. It is important and another, in our time, still quite exotic opportunity – a chance to meet extraterrestrial intelligent creatures. At the same time, science and astronautics should not forget that such a meeting could or could have happened not only in space. For example, it could be realized in the form of paleocontact (visiting the Earth by aliens).

This topic has been formulated and supported in recent times by Matest Agrest, the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, who published in 1960 the article “Traces lead to space?”. It was, for example, about the giant blocks at the base of the temple complex in Baalbek (Lebanon). Ancient builders managed to procure, deliver and put in place hundreds of tons of blocks! How is this possible and why did they face such a task at all? The usual historical approaches nevertheless do not give a convincing explanation on this score. So it is perfectly acceptable to assume that the ancient builders could be helped, for example, by sentient beings. It is clear that they possess both relevant knowledge and powerful technologies. Otherwise, they simply would not have reached Earth.

Traces of the ruler of ancient Egypt lead to the moon 3

In our opinion, science should reflect and conduct a search in this vein. Therefore, we propose to take a look, for example, in the photo of the chest decoration of the pharaoh Tutankhamun (“Pectoral of Tutankhamun”). It miraculously dwells in the shadow of the attention of cosmists, but it looks like an extremely interesting cultural monument.

It seems natural to believe that the ornaments of the pharaoh should emphasize his divine nature and connection with the gods. In this sense, the pectoral is made as if it were just a detailed story about the connection of the pharaoh with celestials (see photo of the necklace). In the framework of the cosmic experience of modern man, the content of the pectoral, as it seems to us, can be hypothetically interpreted, for example, as follows.

It seems that there are three horizontal levels on the necklace, the extreme of which are the Earth (not clearly represented) and the Moon (indicated by the crescent). Between them is the sign of a scarab beetle. We think the scarab in this case expresses two meanings: “flying” and “massive”, but in general it means a “shuttle” on the Earth – Moon route.

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Below the moon on the necklace, according to existing belief, is the “heavenly boat” and even with the “All-Seeing Eye.” In ancient times, it was believed that this is the sacred eye that watches everything that happens on Earth. Today it is easy to imagine that it could be an alien surveillance system located at the orbital station.

Finally, above the pectorals we see a crescent moon with some kind of creatures, which, by the way, they seem to be very similar. It is hardly people – there would be at least some traditions about them, but there are not.

Accordingly, we can conclude: judging by the “Pectoral of Tutankhamun”, in our distant past, paleocontact seems to have occurred. It can also be assumed that in the distant past, aliens not only visited our planet, but also had their own orbital station at that time, as well as some kind of base on the moon. And, probably, this could not but affect the history of mankind.

It seems that future astronauts on the moon have a chance to find some traces of the presence of distant alien predecessors, and maybe a message from them.

Of course, we must understand that we are talking about a very bold, but very hypothetical interpretation of the contents of the necklace. Therefore, at this stage, other interpretations of the content of the pectoral may well be developed. But, we think, people related to the development of astronautics would have to reflect on what is said above. 


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