If you have any idea about the sightings of UFOs (unidentified flying objects), you probably just stare at the sky and wonder what aliens control these things. For, TR-3B Astra, it is not what you’d expect at all.
To understand the truth about TR-3B Astra is to catch a glimpse into the world of Aurora, one of the best kept secrets by the government today. To clarify this, Aurora is not a planet of aliens or an invading army of cyborgs. As a matter of fact, this is happening right here on the U.S. soil.
So, what is this TR-3B Astra?
The TR-3B Astra, also known as the black triangle, is a nuclear-powered anti-gravity aircraft secretly built and maintained by the U.S. government.
It all started in 1982 and is part of the Black Program, a secret Air Force project funded with what is known as the Black Budget (estimated to be worth about $3 billion).
The technology behind this aircraft is considered beyond everyday technology. Some even point out that it might as well have been inspired by alien technology. For example, this aircraft can move stealthily, a feat uncommon during those times.
The TR-3B Astra is extremely lightweight, giving it the ability to easily outmaneuver other aircrafts. This is possible through a technology known as the MFD technology. The MFD is a short form of a circular plasma-filled accelerator ring, called a magnetic field disruptor.
This technology designed by the Sandia and Livermore Laboratories is so powerful that it was totally kept a secret by the government, making it officially non-existent. As you would expect, a lot of money goes into this research.
A good amount of citizens’ taxes go to fund this project carried out at the Area 51 Groom Lake Air Base in Nevada. To understand how massive the operations going on in Nevada are, know that the government owns about 80% of all the lands in Nevada.
Source: Matrix World Disclosure