More than 400 years ago, Giordano Bruno, an Italian humanist theologian and philosopher of the Renaissance era, wrote that “there are countless planets orbiting other suns in space, which could host similar creatures, even superior to those of on earth.”
The visionary was burned in Rome in 1600. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the scientific-fantastic works of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells have begun to popularize the idea of alien life.
Now controversial researcher Stephen Hawking tells the whole world that aliens exist, but it would be wise for us to avoid contact with them.
Until now, nobody has brought incontestable and generally accepted proof that we are not alone in the Universe.
Therefore, believing or not believing in aliens is, ultimately, a personal option that is based on the level of education, imagination, and enthusiasm of each of us. We will not try to change your beliefs. Not in a radical way.
Question on a paranormal topic discussion forum: “How many aliens live on Earth at this moment, disguised as humans?” Response: “All but you are aliens; you are the only remaining man but do not be afraid, we will come soon after you. “
Beyond this joke, several extremely serious polls reveal an amazing fact: one in five people thinks that aliens live among us, disguised as humans.
A poll of public opinion conducted by Reuters with 23,000 adult subjects in 22 countries concluded that India is an epicenter of alien activity in local consciousness and that 45% of people there are convinced of an alien invasion is already in progress.
Recent Polls – Belief in Aliens & UFOs
The Chinese are not far away, 42% of them are adhering to similar ideas, followed by 29% of Japanese people who suspect their fellow countrymen might have extraterrestrial origins.
In Australia, 23% of those surveyed believe that aliens are on Earth, while Belgians, Germans, and Swedes are more skeptical and only 8% accredit such a theory.
Of course, many of those who denied the possibility that foreign beings can live among us might be aliens themselves who want to remain undiscovered.
Leaving the joke aside, the most important thing that all of these figures tell us is that the theory of infiltration of beings from other worlds in our ranks has not only three crazy followers, lost in isolated world corners but, on the contrary, tens of millions people around the globe are giving such a chance.
But where are THE OTHERS ?
Only in the observable universe, there are billions of galaxies with thousands of stars, meaning that there are billions and billions of living planets in the cosmos.
How is it that if there are so many worlds, worlds similar to Earth, where life can exist, science did not find aliens?
Known as the Fermi paradox, this question continues to leave scientists unanswered.
Mankind has advanced rapidly over the past 100 years, but this period becomes insignificant compared to the history of at least 13.82 billion years of the Universe.
Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that we will go to visit other planets in the future. It seems unlikely that we will be the first civilization to reach this point.
So we should not have heard of other species so far?
This question has led some scholars to believe that true interstellar travel is not possible, that no civilization can resist enough to get in touch with another.
Specialists have proposed to analyze the obstacles that have stopped humanity from visiting other planets.
The most important of these obstacles is space travel itself, which is extremely difficult based on our current knowledge.
Even if we can travel at a speed close to that of light, something impossible to conceive at the moment, we would need 100,000 years to cross the Milky Way. Therefore, visiting another planet remains impossible for the moment.
Of course, we do not take into account warp speeds or wormholes, since they are not scientifically proven at this time, yet.
THE OTHERS – Friends Or Foes?
Popular culture has “programmed” us to see alien beings as standard: we see these creatures in gray or green shades, with long, elongated heads, attached to semi-atrophied bodies with large black eyes.
However, many researchers, for various reasons, have come to believe that there are multiple, even a multitude of species or alien races. Some of them are universally accepted by the followers of the idea.
The most famous type of alien is the tiny little gray, sometimes known as Zeta Reticulan. This kind of alien is the main suspect behind the abduction phenomenon.
The Others, Alleged Grey Alien
Extraterrestrials are suspected of having little or no feelings, the greys are regarded as cold and cruel scientists who run experiments on humans, lacking any kind of compassion. They seem to work as a single unit of cohesion, with some collective consciousness, controlled by a Gray leader.
The only care they have is the perpetuation of their own species, which some think they might be genetically damaged.
Another species of aliens, which, especially lately, is the main subject of many conspiracy theories, is that of reptilians. This breed is one of the few whose existence almost all the enthusiasts of the phenomenon are convinced, but whose origins give rise to heated debate.
Who are THE OTHERS, where do they come from and what is their mission?
Many subcategories of aliens are framed as reptilian. Some of the most titrated are Draconians or Dracos, who would come from the Alpha Draconis solar system.
In fact, they would have formed colonies there, but proclaim the Earth as their home planet. Some even think that Terra would belong to them, while others believe that the reptilians have inseminated this planet and see in us their biological property.
Regardless of the situation, they perceive people as inferior. They are an old race, if not primordial, being cruel and very capable. Escalating the subject, myths say reptilians can change their shape, simulating the human aspect.
From here, there is a step up to the conclusion of some communities that follow the theory that these aliens are stealthily leading the world, right under our eyes.
Another extraterrestrial species among Ufologists is that of the Pleiadians, a name was given to a group of Nordic aliens, or “multidimensional spiritual beings” in the Perseid Star Cluster, in the Taurus constellation, about 400 light-years from Earth.
Their original planet is Erra, located in an alternative dimension with a fraction of a second, before the one we live in. These aliens would be very similar to humans.
Billy Meier, the Swiss who claimed that he had telepathically contacted him in the 1940s, and in 1970 the man came up with pictures of Pleiadian ships and sketches to illustrate them.
Since then, the Pleiadians have been the subject of intense debate. It is believed that they are deeply spiritual and close to nature, peaceful beings who want to prevent the self-destruction of mankind, giving us subtle philosophies and alternative ways of existence.
And Anunnaki is an important alien race coming from a controversial planet from the Solar System, Nibiru. In the Sumerian myths, this astral body would be the home of an advanced human-alien species called Anunnaki, to which the Bible would also have some hidden references.
This breed had arrived on Terra 450,000 years ago, looking for minerals, especially gold, which they found and exploited in Africa. It is believed that Anunnaki would have genetically created Homo sapiens, especially to be their slaves, by mixing their own genes with those of Homo erectus.
The ancient inscriptions indicate that the Sumerian human civilization in Mesopotamia was made under the careful guidance of these “gods,” the notion of royalty being inaugurated just as mediation between the human species and Anunnaki.
They are described as resembling humans, but bigger and more physically strong, as well as a very aggressive and temperamental race, they are devoid of morality, according to human standards, and with brutal methods.
Secret Service and Aliens
In 1972, in the northern part of New Mexico, several tourists discovered a canyon. Later there went researchers from New Mexico University.
The walls of the canyon had pictograms and several objects were found under a rock. These were dated to the years 800 BC. One of the objects seemed to be a compass.
Immediately after this discovery, the canyon became the property of the US government and tourists’ access was forbidden. The American secret services, the NSA, have been involved in the research of the canyon and the recovery of all the artifacts.
NSA’s involvement implied that something of major importance had been discovered.
In 1994, a cave collapsed in a canyon and an entrance was found leading inside a grotto. A truly underground complex has been discovered, consisting of 23 rooms linked by several tunnels. The walls feature pictograms and hieroglyphs that seemed to be of alien origin.
The NSA has sent its own researchers whose identity remains anonymous and who are specialized in alien artifacts.
Over seven months, the researchers studied the artifacts and came to the conclusion that the caves had an alien population.
Among the most mysterious objects discovered were some optical discs. The entire team of NSA researchers has been trying to decipher the mysterious optical discs through various technological methods.
One of the researchers had the inspiration to compare the writing of ancient Sumerian texts with the hieroglyphs discovered inside the rooms. The resemblance was striking.
Optical discs have been analyzed and re-analyzed.
It was finally found that the information on the discs was stored in 23 units, as did the number of rooms.
Each unit corresponded to a room. After a long period of time, the information has been decrypted. Those who had stored this information were called the Flying Creators. They considered themselves messengers of philosophy, arts, and science. The disks also contained information about the 7 enigmas of humanity.
Immediately after the discs were decrypted, the team of NSA researchers was fired and forced to sign a confidentiality statement.
One of the researchers, Dr. Anderson, broke the silence and spoke of this discovery.
NSA denied the researcher’s statements, and access to the canyon is still guarded by the US military. Something that should not be seen or searched hides inside the canyon.
During the Cold War, many analysts believe secret services were the true leaders of the world’s states. In addition, in conspiracy theory, any secret service is nothing but a real “state in the state.”
With their own levers and people in key posts, the respective intelligence service would have the power in any country and under any regime. In fact, the true meaning of power today is access to Information.
Whoever holds as much information about a domain, organization or person, that person has power over the domain, organization, or person in question.
And when we report on information, the secret services remain the institutions that are in the possession of the largest databases about absolutely any field, updated and revised daily bases.
As we turn our attention to the various UFOs, we see that almost any incident involving aliens has links, in one way or another, with secret services.
From the franchises of information that has passed over time in the media and conspiracy theories, it is clear that most of the world’s major information services have a dedicated department dedicated to 100% studying, contacting and even maintaining relationships and exchanging information with alien beings.
Astronauts, and Aliens
Several NASA astronauts claimed they were in contact with aliens. “Alien civilizations are monitoring us for a long time”
Major space astronauts of the American Space Agency claim that they saw UFOs during or even before space missions.
At least four NASA astronauts have publicly revealed belief in aliens.
Edgar Mitchell
The astronaut who was the sixth person who went to the moon in 1971 at the Apollo 14 mission claims to have experienced an intense spiritual experience when he came back from the mission and has since devoted his life to demonstrating the existence of alien life.
He also claims aliens have saved humanity in the past from a devastating nuclear war and suggests that the Vatican secretly holds that an alien race is trying to contact us.
Mitchell died on February 4, 2016 at the age of 85, close to the 45th anniversary of the moonlighting.
Gordon Cooper
The Mercury Project of which Cooper took part was between 1958 and 1963 and aimed to send a man into orbit.
During training, Cooper claims to have seen a UFO flying over an American base in Germany. The astronaut argues that “we must first show them that we can solve our problems peacefully before they are accepted as universal team members.”
Cooper suffered Parkinson’s disease at the age of 77 and died of cardiac arrest on October 4, 2004.
Deke Slayton
Just like Cooper, Slayton claims to have seen a UFO in 1951. He describes it as “a plate that stood at a 45-degree angle. I had no room, otherwise, I would have taken pictures. ”
Slayton was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 1992 and died in 1993 at the age of 69.
Brian O’Leary
The astronaut was selected for a mission on Mars in 1967, but this was not the case. Another experience changed O’Leary’s perspective on aliens.
The astronaut became a professor of physics at Princeton University after leaving NASA. During this time, he specified that there is abundant evidence that we are contacted.
Alien civilizations have been monitoring us for a long time, and their appearance is different from any type of traditional Western materialist perspective.
O’Leary died of intestinal cancer on July 28, 2011, shortly after diagnosing the condition.
The fact that we do not yet fully understand physics does not mean that UFOs are not real, but we simply do not have the capacity to understand these physical phenomena.
I think it is in our nature to go out, explore and report what we see The fact that there are things in this universe that are beyond our understanding is indeed a real theme.
We have scientific observations to prove the truth of these phenomena.