It is already a fact, the “great revelation” will take place very soon, possibly in the last months of this year. Since a video of the US Department of Defense was released in 2017, in which the persecution between fighter jets with a UFO could be seen, there has been a controversy on the subject. But it seems that now culminates with what we already knew: For the first time, the US Navy. UU. He has acknowledged that the three UFO videos published by the New York Times are “unidentified” real objects.
“The Navy believes that the phenomena contained/represented in those three videos are not identified,” Joseph Gradisher, a spokesman for the US Navy, told The Black Vault, a website dedicated to declassified government documents.
Gardisher added that the terminology of ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ is used because it provides the basic descriptor for sightings/observations of unauthorized/unidentified aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of several controlled training camps by the military. The statement has been corroborated with other media.
The videos in question, known as “FLIR1”, “Gimbal” and “GoFast” , were originally published by the New York Times and To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science, the organization founded by Tom DeLonge, known for being the ex-vocalist and guitarist in the popular punk band Blink 182. In December 2017, Fox News reported that the Pentagon had secretly established a program to investigate UFOsat the request of former Senator Harry Reid. The first video of the unidentified object was recorded on November 14, 2004, by the camera of an F / A-18 Hornet fighter. The second video corresponds to January 21, 2015 and shows another aerial vehicle with the pilots commenting on its origin. The third video was also recorded on January 21, 2015, but it is not clear whether it is the same or different object.
Luis Elizondo, the former head of the so-called Advanced Pentagon Aerospace Threat Identification Program, said earlier that people should be aware of the comments the government is making on UFOs.
“What the pilots found that day was able to act in a way that defied all logic and our current understanding of aerodynamics,” Elizondo wrote in an article for Fox News about the 2004 meeting of US Navy pilots. . UU. who witnessed the object off the coast of San Diego. “In addition, beyond what the pilots saw, the technological feat they found was verified by the impressive Aegis SPY-1 radar, the most important system in the United States at that time, and even camera images of the fighters and systems of sound of submarines that accompany the aircraft carrier. ”
Earlier this year, the U.S. Navy issued new classified guidelines on how to report such cases in response to unknown and advanced aircraft flying to or near attack groups of the Navy or other sensitive military installations and formations. The Department of Defense also informed the Vice President of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner, in June, along with two other senators, as part of what appeared to be an intention to inform politicians about naval meetings with unidentified airplanes.
For his part, President Donald Trump said he was informed about sightings of unidentified flying objects by Navy pilots, but he was skeptical about the existence of UFOs.
The theoretical physicist Michio Kaku also thinks
And the last to pronounce on the subject has been the renowned American theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. During the ufology Congress in Barcelona this weekend, Kaku said the recently declassified videos recorded by US Navy pilots. on the east coast in 2015, they have helped scientists by providing test capacity and previously unknown metrics on UFOs.
“Now we know that they fly between Mach 5 and Mach 20, five to 20 times the speed of sound ,” Kaku said. “We know that they zigzag so fast that any pilot would be crushed by centrifugal force. That they have no escape that we can see. ”
The physicist added that the explanations generally used for UFO sightings are meteorites, weather balloons, even the planet Venus, but in this case they cannot explain what can be seen clearly , which leads to any of the two possible conclusions: They are of human origin, and represent such advanced technology that even leading scientists are baffled by it. Or, they are of extraterrestrial origin.
After all, he said, the universe is 13.8 billion years old, while earth science was born just 300 years ago. In any of the 4,000 newly discovered exoplanets, where life as we know it could exist, extraterrestrial civilizations may have had much more time to advance their scientific and technological skills. In any case, for Kaku the videos are a turning point, since before their revelation the believers had to prove that these objects were of an intelligent race in outer space. Now it is the government that has to prove that they are not of intelligent beings in outer space. And in case they are of extraterrestrial origin, the physicist warned that the pilots of those could be cyber or robotic.
Without a doubt with the statement of the US Navy. A new chapter opens in this controversial story about UFOs and military pilots. But everything seems to indicate that we are facing an imminent revelation that will change our life as we know it.
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