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The Unseen Lessons: Why Schools Don’t Teach About the Immaterial World

The Unseen Lessons: Why Schools Don't Teach About the Immaterial World 1

No school in the world teaches how to live life correctly and well. Many people do not know how to live and just go through life as it happens. This can be quite scary, watching people drift aimlessly, not knowing what to do with their lives.

In many disputes, you hear people argue that we don’t need any Commandments because we already know how to live. They even justify killing someone if they think that person is bad or robbing someone if they think it’s their fault for being in a mess.

Schools also fail to teach that, in addition to the physical world, there is an immaterial world. There are spiritual beings that we cannot touch or see with our physical eyes or measure with material instruments. Most people are unaware of this because they are not taught about it, despite sacred books mentioning demons and angels. The church acknowledges demons and even performs exorcisms. People often learn about these spiritual matters on their own, usually later in life.

Furthermore, people are not taught about sins. Society today suggests that you can do anything as long as it is not prohibited by law. However, it is not the law that establishes the rule but God. People don’t realize that they may be overweight because of gluttony or unhappy because of fornication. We all have sins, but there is a significant difference between recognizing and repenting for them versus seeing nothing wrong and not improving.

Schools often teach that the State, Science, and the Church are good. The State claims some people are superior and have the right to judge others. The Church asserts it knows an immutable truth that cannot be questioned. Science decides what knowledge is necessary and what is not.

The key to a good life is humility, truthfulness, and abstaining from sins. Evil in your life indicates that something is wrong. Death is only for those who live in time. For souls striving for God, there is no death or time; they exist eternally and simultaneously in all points of the past, present, and future – a divine property.

To live correctly and well, you need Faith. Faith distinguishes humans from animals. If a person believes, they know how to live and discern good from bad. Without Faith, a person is confused, like a kitten on a highway. In the past, Faith guided people’s lives. Science will not tell you how to live well; it provides abstract knowledge but not the essential guidance on living.

God’s law is above all human laws. Many religions exist, but Faith is universal. We all worship the same God, though rituals differ: some cross themselves with two fingers, others with three, some with the palm, and some pray on their knees. We have different gifts, but we all attend the same celebration.

These simple truths are often understood late in life, if at all. Those who do understand find clarity. The one true faith is love for all living things. Right now, there is an eternal immaterial part of us seeking to unite with God.

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To conclude, eternal life already exists in our life now. You should not place faith in books, miracles, rituals, or ranks. The Pope or Patriarch is not closer to God than anyone else. God’s law is given equally to everyone who seeks to know it.


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