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The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails 100% PROOF We Are Being Poisoned

The United Nations Exposes Chemtrails 100% PROOF We Are Being Poisoned 1

By now everyone has witnessed streaks of white trailing across the sky, stretching from horizon to horizon, ultimately turning the skies into a murky haze. We can no longer ignore the fact that our skies are being heavily polluted with aluminium, barium, lead, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, selenium, and silver. All of which attribute to a host of health problems including: neurological effects, heart damage, eyesight issues, reproduction failures, immune system damage, gastrointestinal disorders, damaged kidney, damaged liver, hormonal problems, and more.

The truth is the government is spraying deadly chemtrails in hopes of population reduction. Furthermore they have been known to use chemtrails as biological testing agents on the populace; all while claiming they are nothing more than mere vapor.

We’ll now we have 100% undeniable evidence that chemtrails exist. The video below is of Rosalind Peterson, the president of Agriculture Defence Coalition. In it she address the United Nations on chemtrails, geoengineering, and weather modification (HAARP).

If you were a skeptic before, I can assure you, that you will not be after hearing what she (the video below) has to say to the people in power.


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