Many lovers of interesting and inexplicable phenomena are familiar with the theory of a hollow earth. The idea is based on the ancient legends of many cultures. Ancestral stories claim that there are races of people – entire civilizations – that thrive in underground cities. And I must say that the theory of a hollow Earth, if taken as reality, can explain a lot of what is happening in our world.
It is often said that the inhabitants of the Earth’s inner world are technologically more developed than those living on the surface. Some even believe that outlandish UFOs do not come from distant planets, but are created by advanced creatures inside the Earth.
The Hollow Earth theory asks many questions: Who are these strange creatures of the Earth’s inner world? How did they come to live on earth? And where are the entrances to their amazing underground cities? Are there real facts in the theory of a hollow earth?
Underground world of Agartha.
One of the country’s most popular names for the community of underground inhabitants is Agartha. The source of this information, apparently, is the “biography” of the Norwegian sailor named Olaf Jansen. According to Agartha – Secrets of Underground Cities, a story written by Willis Emerson explains how Jansen’s ship passed through the entrance to Earth’s interior at the North Pole.
For two years, Jansen lived with the inhabitants of the agarthian colonies. These were people 3.5 meters tall and whose world was lit by the central sun. This world is the inner continent of our planet. According to some ideas, the inhabitants of Agartha took refuge in the underworld due to numerous disasters on the surface of the Earth.
The wars of civilizations have also led to withdrawal. For example, a long Atlantean-Lemurian war. Then the use of the powerful thermonuclear weapons ultimately sunk and destroyed these two highly developed civilizations. The Sahara, Gobi, Australian outback and the United States deserts are just a few more examples of the ancient devastation from the war. Thus, shelters for people and sacred records, teachings and technologies that nurtured these ancient cultures were created in the voids of the underworld of the Earth.
According to reports of knowledgeable people, there are several entrances to the Kingdom of Agartha:
Kentucky Mammoth Cave, in the south-central part of Kentucky, Mount Shasta, California, USA (presumably, under the mountain is the agar city of Telos). Manaus, Brazil
Mato Grosso, Brazil (the city of Posid is supposedly located beneath this plain)
Iguazu Falls, on the border between Brazil and Argentina
Mount Epomeo, Italy
Himalayan mountains, Tibet (entrance to the underground city of Shonshe supposedly guarded by Hindu monks)
Mongolia (the underground city of Shingwa is supposedly located under the border between Mongolia and China)
Rama, India (under this surface city is the long-lost underground city, some claim that it is also called Rama)
Of course the great pyramid of Giza, and finally North and South Poles.
In India, there is an ancient faith that some people still adhere to. It reports on the underground race of serpent humans living in the cities of Patal and Bhogavati. According to legend, they are at war with the great kingdom of Agartha. The Nagas, according to William Michael Mott’s Underground Inhabitants, are a powerfully advanced race with highly advanced technology. They also have contempt for the people they visit and even conduct genetic experiments.
While the entrance to the Bhogavati is somewhere in the Himalayas, believers claim that Patala can be entered through the Sheshni Well in Benares, India. Mott writes that this entrance to “Forty steps that descend into a circular hollow and end at a closed stone door covered with bas-relief cobras.
Nagas also have intimacy with water, and it is often said that the entrances to their underground palaces are hidden at the bottom of wells, deep lakes and a river.”
The ancients
In an article for Atlantis Rising entitled Hollow Earth: Myth or Reality, Brad Steiger writes about the legends of the Ancients. He talks about the ancient race that inhabited the surface world millions of years ago and then went into the voids of the inner world of the Earth. “The old, extremely smart and scientifically developed race,” writes Steiger.
They decided to structure their own environment beneath the surface of the planet and make everything necessary. The ancients are hominids, extremely long-lived and earlier than Homo Sapiens, more than a million years old.
The ancients, as a rule, are away from the life of superficial people. However, from time to time they intervene and direct the life of the outside world in the direction they need. The ancient inhabitants of the Earth often abduct human children in order to educate them and educate them as their own.
Senior race
One of the most controversial stories about the inner earth residents came from an alleged eyewitness. In 1945, Amazing Stories magazine published a story told by Richard Shaver. The author claimed that he was a guest at an underground civilization. Although few really believed this story and suspected that Shaver was a fictional character, he insisted on the veracity of his exotic story.
He claimed that the Elder Race, or Titans, came to this planet from another solar system in the prehistoric past. After living for some time on the surface, they realized that the radiation of the Sun causes them to age prematurely. That is why they were forced to flee underground, building huge underground complexes for life.
In the end, the aliens decided to look for a new home on another planet. They evacuated from Earth, leaving vast and developed underground cities inhabited by mutated creatures: malicious and good robots (demons and angels). It was with these creatures that Shaver met in his amazing adventure into the underworld of the Earth.
A couple of years ago, at the Siegel readings (a conference devoted to new, including non-traditional, directions in various fields of knowledge), an elderly secret service general showed photocopies of German maps depicting continents … of the interior of the Earth.
Fact One: Folklore
The sensational statement made from the high rostrum, made those who were present to recall the diaries of the American admiral Richard Byrd (1888-1957), who claimed in his notes that he had seen holes in the Arctic and then in Antarctica through which one could get into the planet. Later, the admiral led the American squadron, which went to destroy the German underground city in Antarctica.
However, the ships of the squadron were attacked by mysterious flying disks that appeared directly from under the water.
In the holy books of the sages of Tibet, one can find a lot of evidence about the existence of the underworld of Agartha. Entrance into it was sought at the beginning of the 20th century by the special services of the USSR and Germany. But still, to talk about the theory of a hollow Earth, it is necessary, firstly, to have serious reasons not to trust the scientific idea of the structure of our planet, and secondly, to have convincing facts confirming this theory.
The most amazing thing is that science has such evidence which for many years has been collecting facts testifying in favor of confirming the version of the hollow Earth.
Fact Two: Mathematical
During the conversation, the scientist first of all asked whether his interviewer knew what depth humanity was able to penetrate into the bowels of the planet today? Of course, this is known: the Earth was maximally drilled by 12,262 meters, as a result of which the Kola superdeep borewhole appeared. It turned out that the data available at that time on the structure of the mantle of the planet were largely erroneous. The theory did not coincide with practice. Modern science only suggests what exactly is under people’s feet.
The fact is that the idea of the existence of a metal core in the center of the bowels of the Earth is a little over a hundred years old. At the same time, the theory of a hollow earth is several millennia old. We will not rely on legends and traditions, we turn to scientific data. The first, that the Earth was hollow inside, after lengthy calculations, was announced by the legendary astronomer Edmund Halley, the discoverer of the comet of the same name. Following him, calculations of the theory of a hollow earth were published by an 18th-century scientist, one of the founders of modern mathematics, Leonard Euler.
According to the famous mathematician, the dynamics of rotation of the planet, according to the laws of physics. proves that between the core and the mantle there is a vast hollow space. Moreover, a mathematician many years before Admiral Byrd claimed that, obviously at the poles, the planet has holes leading into its bowels. In addition, Euler believed
A similar opinion was shared by the father of the American space program Werner von Braun.
Fact Three: Geographical
Any geographer who would be asked the question of whether the size of the earth is static, will answer negatively. The planet is growing. In particular, according to scientists. America is two centimeters distant from Europe every century.
At the same time, looking at the geographical map of the world, you can see that if modern continents are moved close to each other, they, as parts of the puzzle, will form a single continent. This fact clearly indicates that once the only continent of the planet was torn into pieces, which since then slowly move away from each other as the size of the planet grows. The question arises: where does matter come from for a given growth?
If, according to the German geophysicist and seismologist Emil Wiechert in 1896, the planet consists of a crust, mantle and iron core, then this question cannot be answered. The average volcanic eruption throws 600,000 tons of waste from its activity onto the surface of the planet. In this case, a simple calculation of the amount of gas. steam, magma and ash, thrown from the bowels of the Earth during its existence, will give a gigantic figure.
It would be logical to assume that the pressure in the Earth should have fallen for a long time, and the eruptions would cease, but volcanic activity continues. Therefore, according to Peter Paul, between the outer and inner shells of the planet’s crust there is a mechanism that synthesizes matter.
Many representatives of science agree with him. Today there are many scientific theories that the bowels of the planet generate matter,
In fact, this information indirectly confirms the presence in the center of the planet of the “inner sun”, about which ancient manuscripts spoke.
Fact Four: Lunar
As you know, the moon has a rather serious impact on our planet. It manifests itself in the form of ebbs and flows. lifting a wave in the oceans to seven to eight meters. At the same time, if we assume that the modern theory of the Earth’s structure is correct and the giant ocean of glowing magma really splashes under the mantle, then the Moon should influence it.
In this case, in the abyss of molten matter there must be its own ebbs and flows, because of which the surface of the planet would move daily up and down several meters, constantly bursting with emissions of magma. But in practice this does not happen. The question arises: why? The most interesting thing is that seismologists really record the ebbs and flows of magma under the mantle of the Earth, but they are insignificant and extremely uneven.
At the equator, the wave is larger, and almost attenuates towards the poles. Consequently, under the mantle of the planet is not the ocean of magma, but its relatively small layer. According to researchers, fans of the theory of a hollow earth, magma is located between the two shells of the earth in the form of a small layer. These spheres rotate relative to each other, warming up magma and forcing it to come to the surface.
At the same time, according to the analysis of mythological sources, the world of the inner Earth is a real paradise. The constant temperature there is kept at around 28 degrees, there are no natural disasters, no solar radiation. However, the inhabitants of the inner Earth do not really pity their neighbors from the outer shell of the planet, letting only the chosen ones into their world.
Fifth Fact: Space
If scientists of the past are not mistaken and there are holes at the poles of the planet, then they would have long been seen from satellites. Even if such sensational discoveries as the existence of the inner Earth were kept secret, the leak should have happened sooner or later.
Indeed, among private researchers there is information that the American meteorological satellite ESSA-7 in 1968 took pictures of the North Pole of the planet with a giant hole in it. Similar images in December 2017 hit the Internet. It turns out that the American admiral Richard Byrd, who flew over the North Pole on May 9, 1926, did not fantasize on November 29, 1929. He really saw holes in the earth.
It is noteworthy that from ancient times, references to the contacts of residents of the inner and outer Earth have been preserved, in particular, the hero of Ancient Babylon Gilgamesh visited his relative Utnapishtim in the underground kingdom where his sun shines, Greek Orpheus led his wife Eurydice out of the underground kingdom, and the pharaohs of Egypt communicated with underground residents through special tunnels. Buddhists do believe that millions of people live on the back of the Earth’s shell. The Indians of both Americas are sure that they are the protectors of the inhabitants of the “inner Earth” and the guards of the entrances to the caves leading to the underworld. According to them, giants live there with a height of three to four meters, and a trip to the inner Earth takes from 13 to 15 days. Moreover, ancient maps, on which Antarctica is depicted without ice, have images of underground passages connecting in place,
Despite the enormous popularity of the theory of the hollow Earth and everything connected with it, the location of the entrance to this underworld has not been disclosed.
Of course, for some, the legend of the underworld of the Earth looks far-fetched and entertaining. However, many still believe that underground civilizations exist and are home to strange races. True, we rarely hear news about someone who goes on an expedition to look for these hidden entrances and confirm the theory of the hollow Earth with facts.