
The scandalous Blue Beam project. The coming of Antichrist or a Great Deception?

According to proponents of the original conspiracy theory, a vague causal power is aimed at causing great confusion among the population through some kind of mass hallucination, during which humanity will receive a “fake” message from God / gods, see an UFO invasion and witness the return of the Messiah. Just what is all this for?

 Although the Blue Beam project remains a popular conspiracy theory on the Internet, a more thorough analysis of its convergence with another work provides much food for thought …

Everyone who is interested in the UFO phenomenon must have come across what is called the Blue Beam Project. This name also often appears on the Internet on topics related to the mystery of unidentified phenomena in the air. From time to time, the dates of the “start of the project” appear.

For some, this became such a fascinating idea that every UFO sight, even the most trivial one, was attached to it. It has also tried to be explained in conjunction of events that have nothing to do with the UFO phenomenon. Often. you can meet it, for example, in combination with HAARP – a real program that tried to justify many different kinds of strange theories.

Monast and the Blue Beam Project

Serge Monast

The original “Blue Beam Project” began its life in 1994, although it was difficult to find any information until 1996, when its creator, the Canadian “mystic” Serge Monast died (a whole a number of conspiracy theories). However, 1994 is important when it comes to reviewing the entire sequence of events.

Born in 1945, Monast was a Canadian journalist, poet and, above all, the creator of popular conspiracy theories with an element of Christianity in the background and the Blue Beam project in the forefront. But that is not all. He also reflected on the NWO and the Freemasons, and today’s online conspiratorial folklore seems to draw its full potential without even realizing it. Another element attributed to the Blue Beam project was the famous release of the Norwegian Spiral, which turned out to be a virtually unsuccessful launch of a projectile.

UFO writer and national security writer Richard Dolan had enough rumors about a mythical project that he even wrote a critical article in the light of rumors about recent events. Well, in October 2010, amid the enthusiasm of the American UFO society, or rather, representatives of UFOs, was the belief that on the 13th of this month there would be massive UFO sightings. The only event that attracted attention that day was the UFO report on New York, which turned out to be a balloon.

Dolan analyzed Monast’s claims in his original work:

– Firstly, a series of “artificially created earthquakes” was supposed to be created in “several precisely selected places on the planet”, which would allow revealing places where one could find evidence of “discrediting all religious doctrines”:

This is the first preparation for the plan for humanity, because what they want to do is tear down, shake the beliefs of all the Christians on the planet. And to do this they need a false test, supposedly from the past, and from that remote past that ‘will prove’ to men and women that their religions are false. ” Serge Monast – Transcription of the recording of his conference at the ‘International Free Press’ 1994

– The second test for humanity was to be the “great space show.” More specifically, it was about “three-dimensional optical holograms and sound demonstrations, projections of lasers and groups of holograms in different parts of the world, each project would be adapted to the religion that dominates in this region. This new voice of God will speak all languages. ” These events were to open to humanity the “new Christ” (or as the will of the Messiah) and become a fabricated version of his second coming:

The second step deals with the gigantic space show with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projections of multiple holographic images in different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to the predominant national / regional religious faith. ” Serge Monast – Transcription of the recording of his conference at the ‘International Free Press’ 1994

– Thirdly, it was assumed that this would lead to “communication enhanced by the action of telepathy and electronics,” which should be a way of transmitting all “falsified” messages from God.

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The kind of rays that feed on the computer memory which stores a lot of data about the human being and languages; and we said that people on Earth will be reached from inside their brain making everyone believe that their own “god” is speaking to each one from inside their own soul. ” Serge Monast – Transcript of the recording of his lecture at the International ’International Free Press’ ’1994

According to Monast, scenes from the film “Independence Day” were to be played in big cities. In the real world, it happens that science fiction, the film industry, and conspiracy theories rely on each other. In the case of the third of them, the boundary between reality and fiction is sometimes completely blurred.

– Fourth, according to Monast, there should have been a “universal paranormal manifestation by electronic means.” These were to be three specific “scenarios,” one of which was to simulate an alien invasion. Everything was intended to replace the current world order with a new one:

  • Create a false alien invasion that would generate tension between nations.
  • Make people believe that ‘The rapture’ is imminent to take those who would be a problem for the implementation of the new government.
  • Generate through technology paranormal situations how poltergeists and phantasmagoric appearances in addition to inducing fear causing various mental problems with waves.

The objective

In this way Chaos could be unimaginable. People disappearing during “The Rapture”, while fear is growing of the possibility of a war between nations that would be increasingly tense before an imminent extraterrestrial attack and various supernatural events happening in each corner could make the population itself demand that create a government to end these situations and that would be the moment in which the New world order.

We must assume several premises to be able to enter to value the proposals of Monast, among them, that there would be a much more developed technology than we could imagine and that organizations such as NASA would work for this secret elite.

What exactly did he say?

There is a lot of information about the Blue Beam Project and the debate continues to generate abundant speculation, so much so that the data from the main source would be much smaller in comparison. The main sources would be some of his books as «The Blue Beam project of NASA” Y “The world government and the Antichrist ” available in French, the author’s native language and the transcript of a presentation that he made in 1994, from which we have cited some excerpts in this article.

Was Monast right? Is there a secret elite seeking to control the world entirely? Will they end up carrying out such a grim and disturbing plan? Would we fall into deception if it materialized? It is a surprising theory, of course, but it is necessary to know the details so that everyone can draw their own conclusions.

Richard Dolan’s perspective

Dolan abundantly draws from the writings of the creator of the Project, who caused a sensation on the Internet, and these quotes show us the emotional state of its author and his vision of events on the world stage:

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“I put such a long quote so that everyone could find out about the state this person was in – it was a very “tense”state, but he lacked an understanding of science. Nowhere does Monast offer any evidence to justify his theories, not to mention the fantastic abilities that NASA or the UN attribute.

All this, it seems, also from the point of view of logistics, too broad a scale. First of all, the scenario associated with a fake alien invasion can be created using the park of the famous black triangular UFOs. But is there so much that they can cover the whole sky? On the other hand, in the case of religious vision, they are “frequent identification of unidentified causal forces used in conspiracy theories” – who is capable of flooding the world with holographic images? God or maybe Jesus, Krishna or Allah? What about sending messages based on our beliefs and nationalities directly to our brains? According to Monast, all this should have forced us to abandon our previous beliefs … “

Vacuum Scenarios

Gene Roddenberry

Shortly before the appearance of Serge Monast with his next theory, a book appeared about the creator of the “Star Trek” series, Gene Roddenberry. It contained information that all fans of the series probably knew well, or rather, the proposed scenario of the mid-1970s.

The author of the book, Joel Engel, writes in it:

“In May 1975, Roddenberry accepted Paramount’s offer to transfer Star Trek to the screen. His version spoke of a flying saucer that circled the earth and was programmed to send visions of people who looked like prophets, including Jesus. ”

Soon after, Monast adapted the concept to his needs. In this case, images of saints should be displayed on the satellite: “Thanks to computer animation and sounds coming from everywhere, followers of different religions will witness the return of their messiahs during a convincing presentation. Then the plan of Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha and Krishna will unite. ”

It is difficult to say how much about the world religions Monast knew and whether he knew about the ban on the God’s and prophets images, such as in Islam or the complexity of Hinduism. What about atheists? In addition, the script is similar to the version of the Fatima event proposed by many authors, which is also sometimes interpreted in this way.

So far, we have met with two claims of Monast regarding the Blue Beam, and thus fabricated the scenarios of the invasion of aliens and prophets, both of which were based on the scenario of Star Trek. And how did people get these photos? Of course, telepathically …

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Monast wrote in 1994:

“Technological progress will lead to the activation of the third part of the Blue Beam project, where, using telepathy and electronics, there will be a message addressed to each person that will effectively convince him that he is talking with God.” Roddenberry wrote of something similar in 1976: “On the planet, people will receive mental images of the return of God.”

But this is only part of the project. There is also a scenario of a “mass UFO invasion”. It is worth noting that Monast took this concept based on the Roddenberry script for Earth: Final Conflict. Blue Beam’s father writes: “First, a space show will appear. These holographic images will be used to represent this vision of the end of the world in the form that the followers of this religion represent. “One of the goals will also be to make mankind believe in the invasion of aliens in large agglomerations, which will make the nuclear powers want to counterattack.”

Monast claimed that the goal of all these planned steps was to introduce the new Messiah of Maitreya and start a new world religion that would lead to a new world order. By the way, everyone would be left alone, even the most educated. In his fictional vision, Roddenberry saw this in a more complex way. The object itself was not just a ship, it was a complex creature that lived on its own. Soon, however, it was discovered that the manifesting God is basically a pixel — the remnant of a race that has been ejected from our dimension.

Was the concept of the Blue Beam project based on the work of Roddenberry? In both cases, we are dealing with programs hosted on flying platforms that create electronic visions related to the beliefs of earthlings. The only difference is that when the creator of Star Trek discovered that their source was a faulty foreign vehicle system, Monast sees it as a real source from the American Space Agency (NASA):

“Computers will coordinate the satellites, and the software will take care of every show,” Monast said. 

Roddenberry saw this from the perspective of a much more advanced civilization. The creature, which was supposed to deceive the earthlings, acted “with a force a thousand times greater than that which the intergalactic civilization sees. It could be God; it could be Satan. “

Some themes from the Roddenberry script were used in other parts of the Star Trek series. The 1991 Devil’s Due episode echoes the younger design of the Blue Beam project, which is 3 years younger. In short, USS Enterprise-D responds to an alarm from the Ventax II science station, where chaos emerged as a result of the appearance of a creature called the devil. Interestingly, there are other topics mentioned here. We will find other aliens imitating deities in Star Trek V.

In 1994, when the concept of the Blue Beam project was born, many publications appeared on the rejected Roddenberry script. There are so many similarities not to recognize them.

Strong awakening

Given that intelligence agencies used similar theories to spread information, it can be assumed, for example, that the Blue Beam project could be another such project ‘sold’ to Monast as well as other people. Doubtful in the light of its coincidence with Roddenberry’s concepts, the fact remains that the Canadian was the author of the assumptions of the project, perhaps, with the exception of some points related to religion.

Is Richard Dolan right in saying that the Blue Beam project is not supported by any evidence. Does it make much sense? Are they proponents of a conspiracy theory in cyberspace? Maybe yes, but we just state the facts here. Our limited human perception is not allowing us to see behind the veil. Thus, we do not have the right to criticise any opinion.

Be Vigilant, Be Healthy, Be Good and…Forgive!

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