
The Mystical Roots of Anenerbe – Hitler’s Secret Organization

Anenerbe. The existence of this strictly classified organization, created with the personal participation of Adolf Hitler almost a hundred years ago, is the subject of close attention of top leaders of the USA, USSR (Russia), France, England, China … What was it: a myth, a legend that keeps dark , terrible secret knowledge of prehistoric civilizations, alien knowledge, magical secrets of otherworldly forces?

Anenerbe takes its beginning from the mystical organizations Germanenorden, Thule and Vril. It was they who became the “three pillars” of the National Socialist ideology, supporting the doctrine of the existence of a certain island – Arctida in the prehistoric times. A powerful civilization, to which almost all the secrets of the Universe and the universe were accessible, perished after a grand catastrophe. Some people were miraculously saved. Subsequently, they mixed with the Aryans, giving impetus to the emergence of a race of superhuman – the ancestors of the Germans. So, no more, no less!

Unlike the legendary Atlantis, there were no disputes about the whereabouts of the hypothetical Arctida; if it existed, it would be located in the Arctic Ocean.

Yes, and how not to believe it: after all, hints of this clearly shine in Avesta, the oldest Zoroastrian source! The Nazis sought confirmation of their racial theory around the world – from Tibet to Africa and Europe. They looked for ancient manuscripts containing information on history, magic, yoga, theology.

Everything that contained even the slightest, albeit legendary, mention of the Vedas, Arias, Tibetans. The highest interest in such knowledge was shown by the ruling elite of Germany – politicians, industrialists, the scientific elite. All of them tried to master unprecedented, higher knowledge, encrypted and scattered across all religions and mystical beliefs of the world, and not only ours.

The residence of the educational-historical society for the study of German history was located in the small provincial town of Weisshenfeld, Bavaria. The initiators of the creation of Anenerbe, besides Hitler, were the Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, the gruppenfuhrer SS Hermann Wirth (“godfather”) and the racologist Richard Walter Dare.

G. Himmler served as president of Anenerbe
Photo: wikipedia.org

“Anenerbe” was looking for sources of “special knowledge”, those that could contribute to the creation of a superman with superpower, superknowledge. During World War II, Anenerbe receives a full carte blanche to conduct “medical” experiments to create it.

The institute conducted thousands of sadistic experiments: captive soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition, women, children laid their lives on the altar of the fascist genetic and physiological experiments! Not only that, the masters of shoulder science cases also tormented the elite of the SS – members of the “knightly” orders: “Lord of the Black Stone”, “Black Knights of Tule” and such a Masonic order inside the SS itself – “Black Sun”.

The effect of various poisons, the effects of high and low temperatures, pain thresholds – these are the main “scientific” programs. And besides, the possibility of massive psychological and psychotropic effects, work on the creation of a superweapon was investigated. For carrying out research studies, Anenerbe attracted the best personnel – world renown scientists.

However, one should not think that everything was dumped in a heap. No, Anenerbe with German pedantry divided the work in the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard weapons (including mass destruction and atomic), the possibility of religious-mystical practices and … the possibility of intercourse with extraterrestrial advanced civilizations. Strange?!

Have the Anenerbe scientists achieved any significant results? It is quite possible, especially when you consider that after the defeat of the Millennium Reich, the United States and the USSR made a titanic effort to search the Anenerbe archives, all kinds of materials, employees, material assets. What was discovered was taken out in complete secrecy. Scientists have mastered new, secret laboratories of the victorious countries, where they continued to work in the same vein.

Confirmation of the achievement of certain successes by Anenerbe scientists can be seen in the huge breakthrough of the USSR and the USA in the field of atomic, electronic, aerospace and engineering technologies in the post-war period.

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A well-known and indisputable fact is the commitment of the leaders of the Third Reich to various mystical practices of the East and especially Tibetan. Moreover, the Nazis began relations with Tibetan monks in the mid-20s. It remains unclear why Buddhist monks experienced such an arrangement for fascism.

Maybe they were attracted by the idea of ​​creating a superstate? But be that as it may, several historical research expeditions undertaken by the Germans in Tibet in the late 30s were crowned with complete success. The expedition members, led by Ernst Schaeffer, managed to visit the city of Lhasa, which was closed to strangers, not only that, they visited the sacred place – Jarling, and the regent Kvotukht handed Hitler a personal letter in which he called him “king”.

Having stayed in the East for three months, the expedition brought to Germany hundreds of meters of film dedicated to mystical and religious rites, many manuscripts that had been studied most thoroughly. As a result, a report laid on Hitler’s table which made him extremely excited, and the idea of ​​a super weapon, as well as the idea of ​​interstellar flights, were always plans of the Third Reich leader.

After the establishment of radio communications between Berlin and Lhasa, a large group of representatives from Tibet arrived in Germany. Their corpses, dressed in SS uniforms, were subsequently discovered in the premises of the Reich Chancellery and in Hitler’s bunker. What mission was given to these representatives of the distant East, remained a secret that they voluntarily took with them to the grave.

It’s worth adding to the above that, in search of mystical documents, German scientists and special sonder teams searched not only Tibet, they exported to Germany dozens and hundreds of parchments in Sanskrit, ancient Chinese. Werner von Braun, the creator of the first rocket aircraft, once said: “We learned a lot from these papers.”

A bit of history

In 1938, an expedition headed by E. Scheffer was sent to Tibet under the auspices of Anenerbe. Schaeffer’s expedition without any problems, collecting the necessary ethnographic material along the way, reached Lhassa. An interesting letter that Quotuhtu, the Tibetan regent, wrote to Hitler:

“Dear Mr. King Hitler, Ruler of Germany. May health, the joy of Peace and Virtue come with you! Now you are working to create a vast state on a racial basis. Therefore, the sahib Schaeffer, the leader of the German expedition, who arrived now, had no difficulty in traveling through Tibet. (… ..) Accept, Your Grace, King Hitler, our assurances of further friendship! It is written on the 18th of the first Tibetan month, the year of the Earth Hare (1939). ”

Later Lhasa-Berlin radio communication was established. The regent of Tibet Kvotuhtu officially invited the Germans to Lhassa. The expedition stayed in Tibet for over two months and visited the sacred site of Tibet – Yarling.

The famous Nazi expedition to the Himalayas in 1938-1939 overgrown with an incredible amount of legends, speculation and rumors.

It should be noted that after the expedition the film was preserved (the fate of this film is interesting – it was discovered in one of the Masonic lodges of Europe after the war), shot by German operators. In addition to the buildings of Lhassa and Jarling, numerous rituals and magical practices were captured on it.

With the help of a guru, evil spirits were called forth, mediums entered into trance, hysterical dances of the monks of the Bonts – all this was captured by an impassive German cameraman. Interestingly, the Germans were interested not so much in Buddhism as in the Bon religion. The Bon religion was practiced in Tibet before the advent of Buddhism. This religion is based on beliefs in evil spirits (animated – i.e. natural) and ways to deal with them.

Among the adherents of this religion there are many sorcerers and magicians. In Tibet, where prejudice takes precedence over the minds of adherents of the Bon religion, they are considered the best in relations with otherworldly forces. It was aspects of this religion that most interested Germans. Numerous mantras, ancient texts did not slip from their attention. It is believed that the effect of mantras recited in a trance is achieved by acoustic resonance. It is the sounds of these frequencies, according to Tibetans, that they are able to tune in to the way they need to communicate with a particular spirit.

The expedition worked tirelessly on these puzzles, but the approaching storm of World War II forced the mages from the SS to hastily return home. Relations with Lhassa continued until 1943.

In 1945, during the storming of Berlin, Soviet troops would be agitated at the sight of the dead Tibetans in SS uniforms. There were many versions – Hitler’s personal protection, magicians, but once again we will touch on the topic of Tibet and explain where such “gifts” came from.

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In the 1920s, a Tibetan lama lived in Berlin, known for wearing green gloves as a sign of belonging to the “green brothers.” “The Green Lama” guessed three times the number of Nazis who will go to the Reichstag in the elections. Since 1926, Tibetan colonies began to appear in Berlin and Munich. In those same years, the Green Brothers Society, akin to the Thule Society, appeared in Tibet. Between the two “twin cities” contact was established.

Many Tibetans under fascism became “court” astrologers, clairvoyants and soothsayers. One kind of them should speak of the wisdom of the East and its miraculous power. But the situation was changing and the power of magicians came inevitably to an end.

At this time, many Tibetans committed suicide, disappointed in what they had served so hard for many years. Maybe the corpses of precisely these “desperate” caught the eye of Soviet soldiers who put the last nail into the resident evil coffin … The question is quite reasonable, why did the Germans become elected for the lords of Tibet? Why was Schaeffer’s German expedition so warmly received?

Unlike most of the expeditions that visited Tibet, it was the German one that carried the idea of ​​a new world order based on racial attributes, the idea of ​​a superman … The expeditions from the USSR and England had only state tasks to introduce agents and expand their spheres of influence.

The British wanted to prevent the Soviets, with the ideas of communism, and the Soviets, in turn, wanted to expand the boundaries of their influence on China and Tibet, considering the latter as a bridgehead for penetrating India. Therefore, the Tibetans turned their eyes on the Germans with their ideas for rebuilding the world. And that is precisely why the expeditions of Blumkin and Roerich organized by the NKVD failed! Earthly goals did not attract the Tibetans ..

And quite recently, absolutely fantastic materials have appeared that Anenerbe received the lion’s share of knowledge on the development of atomic weapons and space technology from representatives of a higher civilization from Aldebaran. Communication with the “Aldebarans” was conducted from a top-secret base located in Antarctica.

When you start reading about the Nazi space project “Aldebaran”, it is difficult to get rid of the idea that all this is just fantastic. But as soon as you come across information about the same project in the name of Werner von Braun, it becomes a little uneasy. SS Standartenfuhrer Werner von Braun, many years after the Second World War, was not just someone, but one of the key figures in the American project of flying to the moon.

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The moon, of course, is much closer than the planet Aldebaran. But then the flight to the moon, as you know, took place. In 1946, the Americans embarked on a search expedition. One aircraft carrier, fourteen ships, one submarine – quite impressive forces! Richard Evelyn Byrd, who led this event, code-named “High Jump”, literally stunned the journal brethren many years later:

“We examined the Anenerbe base. There I saw unprecedented aircraft capable of covering huge distances in fractions of a second. The devices were disk-shaped.” 

Equipment and vehicles were delivered to Antarctica by special submarines.

The question begs: why Antarctica? In the classified materials about the activities of Anenerbe you can find a very interesting answer. The fact is that there is the so-called transformer window. And the already mentioned Werner von Braun talked about the existence of disc-shaped aircraft capable of rising to a height of 4000 kilometers. Fantasy? May be.

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However, the creator of the FAU-1 and FAU-2 can probably be trusted. By the way, in 1945, at a secret factory in Austria, Soviet soldiers discovered similar devices. Everything found in the conditions of the strictest secrecy has moved into the “bins” of the USSR. And the “Top Secret” signature stamp for many years reliably provided the citizens of the Country of Soviets with a calm sleep of ignorance. So, did the fascists communicate with representatives of other worlds? Not excluded.

Yes, the special archives of the USA, USSR (Russia) and England keep many secrets! In them, perhaps, you can find information about the work of the “priests” “Thule” and “Vril” to create a time machine, and when – in 1924! The machine’s operation was based on the principle of “electrogravity”, but something went wrong there and the engine was installed on a flying disk.

A drawing allegedly obtained from the constellation Aldebaran by the Vril 

However, research in this area was too slow and Hitler insisted on accelerating other more relevant projects – atomic weapons and FAU-1, FAU-2 and FAU-7. Interestingly, the principles of the FAU-7 movement were based on knowledge of the possibility of arbitrary effects on the categories of space and time!

Engaged in research in mysticism, astronautics and much more, Anenerbe actively worked on much more prosaic things, for example, atomic weapons. Quite often, in various historical materials one can find a statement about the false direction of German research, saying that they would never have received positive results. This is completely wrong! The Germans already had an atomic bomb in 1944!

According to various sources, they even carried out several tests: the first on the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea, the other two in Thuringia. One of the explosions was carried out with the participation of prisoners of war. The total destruction of all nature was observed within a radius of 500 meters, some burned without a trace, the remaining bodies bore traces of high-temperature and radiation exposure.

Stalin found out about the tests a few days later, just like Truman. The Germans were actively preparing for the use of “weapons of retaliation.” It was for him that the FAU-2 missiles were designed. A small warhead in the presence of a powerful charge, sweeping entire cities off the face of the earth, is what you need!

Ancient India, Vedas, drawings of Vimanas

Here is just one problem: Americans and Russians are also developing nuclear programs. Will they strike back? Leading nuclear experts Kurt Dinber, Werner von Braun, Walter Gerlach and Werner Heisenberg did not rule out this possibility. It should be noted that the German super-bomb was not atomic in the full sense of the word, but rather a thermonuclear one.

Interestingly, one German nuclear engineer, Heilbronner, stated:

“Alchemists knew about atomic explosives that can be extracted from just a few grams of metal”

The German Minister of Arms added in January 1945:

“There is an explosive the size of a matchbox, the amount of which is enough to destroy the whole of New York.” 

Hitler did not have enough, according to analysts. “Anenerbe” and “Thule” were running out of time …

However, Anenerbe obtained scientific knowledge not only in the traditional way. “Thule” and “Vril” practiced methods of astral obtaining information from the noosphere by feeding experimental subjects potent drugs, poisons, hallucinogens. Communication with spirits, with “higher unknowns” and “higher minds” was also practiced very widely.

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One of the initiators of obtaining knowledge through black magic was Karl-Maria Willigut. Willigut is the last representative of an ancient family, cursed by the church in the Middle Ages. The name Willigut can be translated as “god of will”, which is equivalent to “fallen angel”.

The very origin of the family, as well as its coat of arms, is shrouded in mystery, and given the presence of two swastikas in the middle of the coat of arms and its almost complete identity with the coat of arms of the Manchu dynasties, one can imagine how much this person had a great influence on the top of the Third Reich. Sometimes he was called “Himmler’s Rasputin.” In the most difficult times, Himmler sought the support of Willigut.

He read the fate of the Reich Minister on certain tablets, completely dotted with mysterious letters. Yes, the demand for black magic in Nazi Germany was always the highest. In 1939, the black magician Willigut retired. He spent the rest of his days at his family estate, terrifying locals who considered him the secret king of Germany. The mage died in 1946.

At the Nuremberg trials, when the case of the Anenerbe leaders was heard, it turned out that by the end of the war, huge amounts of money had gone into the unknown direction through the channels of this organization – something like 50 billion gold Reichsmarks. When investigators tried to find out from Wurst’s assistant, Reinhard Zuchel, what exactly this surreal amount of money was actually spent on, then he, pretending to be a “crazy guy”, kept repeating something about Shambhala and Agarta …

What are SHAMBALA and AGHARTA, some of the most enlightened investigators understood in principle, but nevertheless remained unclear what exactly the golden Reichsmarks could have related to these rather vague things … Zukhel was not “talked” to the very end of his life, which came under very strange circumstances a year later.

Aggressive materialists are simply trying to ignore obvious riddles. You can believe in mysticism, you can not believe. And if it was a question of barren spiritualistic sessions of exalted aunts and booze, it is unlikely that Soviet and American intelligence would have spent enormous forces and risked their agents to find out what was happening at these sessions. But according to the recollections of Soviet military intelligence veterans, the leadership was very interested in any approaches to Anenerba.

Meanwhile, getting close to Anenerba was an extremely difficult operational task: after all, all the people of this organization and their contacts with the outside world were under the constant supervision of the security service – the SD, which in itself testifies to a lot. So today it is not possible to get an answer to the question whether the Americans or Russians had their own Stirlitz inside the Anenerbe.

But if you ask why, then you run into another strange riddle. Despite the fact that the vast majority of reconnaissance operations during the Second World War are declassified today (with the exception of those that subsequently led to the work of active agents in the post-war years), everything related to the Anenerbe developments is still surrounded by mystery.

But there is, for example, the testimony of Miguel Serrano – one of the theorists of national mysticism, a member of the secret society “Thule”, at whose meetings Hitler attended. He claims in one of his books that the information obtained by Anenerbe in Tibet significantly advanced the development of atomic weapons in the Reich. According to his version, Nazi scientists even created some prototypes of the combat atomic charge, and the allies discovered them at the end of the war. The source of information – Miguel Serrano – is interesting at least for the fact that for several years he represented his homeland of Chile in one of the UN commissions on nuclear energy.

And secondly, immediately in the post-war years, the USSR and the USA, which seized a significant part of the secret archives of the Third Reich, make breakthroughs in the field of rocket science, the creation of atomic and nuclear weapons, and in space research that are almost parallel in time. And they are starting active development of qualitatively new types of weapons. Also, immediately after the war, two superpowers with particular activity are engaged in research in the field of psychotronic weapons.

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So the comments claiming that the Anenerbe archives, by definition, could not contain anything serious, do not hold water. And in order to understand this, you do not even need to study them. It is enough to get acquainted with what was charged with the duty of the Anenerbe organization by its president Heinrich Himmler. And this, by the way, is a total search of all archives and documents of national special services, scientific laboratories, Masonic secret societies and occult sects, preferably around the world.

A special expedition “Anenerbe” immediately sent to each country newly occupied by the Wehrmacht. Sometimes they did not even wait for the occupation. In special cases, the tasks assigned to this organization were carried out by SS special forces. And it turns out that the Anenerbe archive is not at all theoretical research by German mystics, but a multilingual collection of the most diverse documents captured in many states and related to very specific organizations.

The secrets of Anenerbe are still alive and awaiting their solution …

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