The most powerful magnet in the universe, with a truly colossal level of radiation, Magnetar!
Perhaps you think the universe is ideal for life. However, it is not. Almost the entire Universe is a terrible and hostile place, and we were just lucky to be born on an almost harmless planet in a remote region of the Milky Way.
Here on Earth you can live a long and happy life, but in the Universe there are places where you will not last even a couple of seconds. Nothing is more deadly than objects that supernovae leave behind: neutron stars.
However, approximately one in ten neutron stars becomes something really very strange. It becomes a magnetar – the most mysterious and terrible object in the universe. You’ve probably heard the word, but what is it?
Over the past 50 years, mankind has come across several times with phenomenal radiation coming from outer space. As often happens, astrophysicists could not immediately identify the source.
1979 year. Three American Vella satellites monitoring nuclear tests on Earth record an unusual gamma-ray burst.
1992 year. Astrophysicists suggest the existence of a celestial body unknown to science with a huge coefficient of electromagnetic radiation.
1998 year. The outbreak in the constellation ” Eagle “. Many measuring instruments record an inexplicable anomaly, the source of which is located tens of thousands of light years from us.
2004 year. All world telescopes are temporarily blinded. In less than a second, a wave of gamma radiation passes through every square centimeter in the solar system . The largest outbreak in the history of observations.
Today we are as close as possible to finally explain the nature of this discovery.
Magnetar or Magnitar is a poorly studied neutrona star with an exceptionally strong magnetic field of about 10 to the 13th degree of Tesla . Almost a trillion times more electromagnetic radiation from the Earth .
When the lifetime of a supermassive star comes to an end, a supernova explosion occurs and among the many options for events there is only one in which the star can become a Magnitar. The disputes of scientists that this option represents do not stop to this day.
The diameter of Magnetars reaches only 20-30 km. For comparison, the diameter of the moon is 3474 km, that is, about 173 times more than the average Magnitar . However, with the mass, everything is arranged a little differently. Magnitar with a radius of 15 km, despite its size, will be heavier than our Sun, a radius of 696,340 km.
Theoretically, if Magnitar would be within the limits of the Solar system , we would not have time to notice the threat. The ozone layer of the Earth, along with all forms of organic life, would be wiped out within seconds.
Fortunately, the closest to us Magnitar is at a fairly safe distance from us, 12,000 light-years.