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The Illuminati – Separating Fact From Fiction & Propaganda

The Illuminati – Separating Fact From Fiction & Propaganda 1

by .

The term “Illuminati” has gained a large amount of attention and popularity within the past few years and as a result it has also attracted a lot of disinformation, propaganda and distraction. Fingers are often pointed towards Hollywood movie stars, music artists and entertainers who are seen throwing up specific signs or music videos constantly containing significant ancient art/symbolism. Not to say that these observations have no truth behind them, but we have to think critically. We have to dive deeper into the world of high strangeness instead of being distracted with rumours and hearsay.

Truth is, pointing towards these observations in order to demonstrate that the concept of the Illuminati in various industries is real can sometimes do more harm than good, and in the bigger scope of things it’s not as important or fearful as we are so often made to believe.

It’s also a great example of how the masses can latch on to a concept instantly, with blind faith, not ever questioning sources or digging deeper to see if there is a reality behind all of the claims that are floating around out there. A lot of the time, much of what has been deemed a ‘conspiracy theory’ actually has some sort of truth behind it. It’s unfortunate that, while many have the intent to create awareness, doing so in certain fashions can illicit more harm than good, and more ridicule than serious attention. As a result, concepts like Illuminati seem to have become nothing but propaganda, a distraction, taking our attention away from what is really important.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates

Ultimately at any time we as one human race can change the world if we come together to do so, we are in control whether you believe in a “secret society” that’s controlling the world or not. It’s not about the small group of people and the corporations they run at the top of the pyramid, it’s about the seven billion strong army of people who are complying to a system which no longer resonates with their soul.

Separating Fact From Fiction

If we want the planet to change, we have to identify the problems in order to come up with a solution, and we seem to be making more progress in that regard. I’m talking about what was mentioned earlier in the article, that there is no problem of “them” versus “us.” Sure, there is no denying the fact that corporations dictate major government policy, and that a handful of corporations and the people who run them seem to have control over major resources and industries that currently govern our world, but without us they are powerless.

This is no conspiracy. Within the past couple of years multiple studies have examined the allocation of global resources and wealth. They’ve found that the richest 1 percent on the planet own the majority of global wealth. On top of this, our health care industry, food industry, energy industry, entertainment industry, education and the world of finance are all owned and operated by a handful of corporations and the people that run them. (source) You might be saying “yeah, so what?” The point is, all of these industries continue to participate in activities that destroy the planet, our health and overall well being. Meanwhile, we all go to school, work and live our lives while continuing to remain blind to what is happening in the world.

“I want a nation of workers, not thinkers.” –  John D. Rockefeller

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So does a small group of corporations and the people that run them have a large influence as to what happens on our planet? Of course, that can’t really be denied. Are they “Illuminati” involved in some sort of secret keeping of knowledge, as well as occult rituals? That’s another question.


There is no doubt that ‘cliques’ or groups in places of ‘high power’ exist and confide amongst themselves confidentially, some of the biggest hitters in the game of politics (and more) have alluded to this time and time again. We’ve also seen it over the past few years with the disclosure of the Bilderberg group, or elitist gatherings that take place at locations like Bohemian grove, among others. We’ve also seen it with the recent disclosure of the ‘black budget’ by Edward Snowden, where Washington Post investigators once determined that the world of secrecy has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work – you can read more about that here. Today, it seems they’ve taken secrecy to a completely new level, and we were warned about this.

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for a disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.” – Former President and 5 star General Dwight Eisenhower (source)

It does indeed seem that the “very grave danger than an announced need for an increased need for security, will be seized upon by those anxious to expand it’s meaning to the very limits of censorship and concealment” (source) JFK spoke of, did indeed occur, if if the speech he gave was in context with regards to the Cold War.

Keep in mind that this is modern secrecy we are talking about here. But it’s important to note that occult groups (not all bad) have existed throughout human history for thousands of years. It’s also important to note that all who are interested in the occult are not bad, negative, evil or wish to use these concepts from a place of negativity and hatred. Some might use it with the intention to do good.

So when it comes to fact, we do have a small percentage of people who control the world’s resources and wealth, and we do have evidence pointing to the fact that there is clearly a world of secrecy, and groups that exist within that world who hold a tremendous amount of power.

When it comes to Hollywood, we’ve recently seen major entertainers bring up the subject in a confusing manner. Recently, Jim Carrey made an appearance on national television speaking about the Illuminati. It seemed to confuse people as to whether he was being serious or not. You can view that video here.

A more serious quote, however, recently came from the actor/director Shawn Stone, son of Oliver Stone, a major film director. When he was asked about the Illuminati and if he has ever ran into them he said, very seriously that:

“I’m very close to some people that are involved at some level. This is a long exploration and it would take time to elaborate but basically the “Eyes Wide Shut” sex parties are real, they do take place and they do have these crystal skull type things, like the Indiana Jones film, they have these types of skulls at the party and feed the energy into the these skulls.” (source)

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He also went on to talk about symbolism, like the 5 star pentagram which is used to conjure up different entities to make deals with which he says is the essence of the “black magic Illuminati.” He also spoke of pedophilia among elitist groups like these, which is no secret any more as many elitist rings of pedophiles are now being exposed. To view a great clip of one of the most popular childhood actors of all time speak about it, click here.

This is one of many examples where the ritualistic nature of these groups becomes more of a possibility.

“If they want to control the middle east, or the music industry they have to make a sacrifice to these “demons.” Whether it’s children or soldiers at war. They always respond to signs and symbols, for example the pyramid shape, the five sided star, the six sided star, they congregate around these signs. This is why major corporate symbols are full of “Illuminati” symbols. That’s why when you wear those clothes, or buy those products you are giving power to that entity, you are giving energy to it, you are giving it power over you” (source)

Magic and provoking and using “other worldly” entities has been practices by various prominent people throughout human history. This dates back thousands of years. If you want more information about this I suggest you start off with Manly P Hall’s book, “The Secret Teachings of All Ages.” Lots of good information in there.

This kind of reminds me of a scene from an old cartoon, check it out:

So, as you can see from a few (of many) quotes and one example of secrecy with regards to the black budget, it is indeed real and a small group of people seem to be in charge. It seems to go far beyond entertainers like Jay Z and Beyonce. In my opinion these artists are used by the corporation to sell an image, as well as various other products. If you go even farther, Universal Music Group has Royal blood lines, belonging to the corporation Vevendi, which was created by Napolean the third. The point I’m trying to make is that we must stop looking towards entertainers, and if we are going to examine these things seriously we must move up the ladder towards the corporations that govern and dictate their lives. Even if you are not sold on the idea of the Illuminati, it’s hard to deny that something strange is going on in the world.

Bottom line, the way these corporations are destroying our planet is all that is needed to see the “psychopathic” tendencies of these groups that are starting to make many wonder, “what are they thinking?”

So What?

An elite group of people in powerful positions may indeed “run” everything we currently see on planet Earth. We need to let go of the judgement, the “us versus them” game, and realize that all the activity they participate in is completely powerless without us, we are the key and what is currently taking place on our planet can only happen with our consent.

When we all choose to opt out and create something new for ourselves is when we will begin to change our own lives and the lives of everyone on the planet.

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This article does not get into ancient philosophy, history or mysticism. This is a subject that would take thousands of pages to expand upon. The purpose of this article was to basically show others that these concepts do hold a great deal of validity to them, but the mainstream idea of “the Illuminati” and the idea that’s now commonly used as propaganda is very different. It should not be ridiculed, but if taken seriously it should be presented properly with information that shows people a connection.

The very popular subject, especially amongst our youth today needs to be turned around and used to help youngsters see where our food is coming from, our education is coming from, what’s going on in the world of health and more, why we do the things we do, why we consume the things we consume, why we are destroying our planet when we don’t have too. At the same time, these concepts and ideas should not be simply tossed away into the realm of conspiracy.

It’s time to look within, identify the problem and move on. We are both the problem and the solution. At the end of the day it is the human race waking up to its infinite potential and ability to create an entirely new experience for everyone and all living things on the planet. An experience where everybody can thrive. We are starting to realize that yes, it’s very possible and we have the resources to do so, they just have to be allocated properly. It’s time to share, care and love instead of compete against each other and remain divided by illusionary boundaries.

If we want change, we all have to look at ourselves in the mirror. Billions are falling out of their sleep, beginning to wake up to the idea that we are more than just “worker bees,” that we are capable of things beyond our wildest of dreams. Although there is still much resistance to global change, there is no doubting that it’s time to stop resisting it, and embrace the idea that change needs to take place.

It’s time to get knocked out of our comfort zones into a new experience where everybody can thrive.



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