If men had a choice between real women and female robots that were almost “virtually indistinguishable” from real women, which would they choose? Certainly many men would never be willing to totally give up on relationships with living, breathing women, but as robotic technology continues to advance at an exponential rate there will be men (and women) that will be tempted to abandon real relationships entirely. And that day is approaching a lot faster than you may think. As you will read about below, incredibly life-life female robots are being introduced in Japan right now. The creators of these robots are not designing them for sexual intercourse at the moment, but experts say that it is only a matter of time before this technology is adapted for such purposes. The potential market for female sex androids is absolutely massive, and there are no laws against such a thing in most countries. But as men all over the globe begin acquiring these sex droids, what will that do to real relationships between men and women and what will that say about our society?
With each passing year, robots are becoming much more like humans. And for some reason, many of these robot designers purposely choose to have their robots resemble very attractive young women.
One of these very attractive female robots, “Asuna”, has created quite a stir in Japan recently. The following is from a recent Daily Mail article about this remarkable droid…
Chillingly life-like robots are causing a storm in Japan – where their creators are about to launch them as actresses, full-size mechanical copies for pop idol fans, and clones of the dearly departed.
There is even talk that the naturalistic, even engaging, she-droids may be taken up as men as partners in the not-too-distant future.
The video that I have posted below contains footage of Asuna. As you can see, she has been designed to very closely resemble a 15-year-old girl…
And Asuna is far from the only highly advanced female android being developed over in Japan right now. For example, just check out the video footage from Japan that I have posted below. As you watch this video, try to figure out which of the people are real and which of the people are just robots. As you can see, it is not too easy to do…
Since most nations do not have laws against sex with robots, and since there is so much money that could potentially be made, many experts are forecasting that “relationships” with female sex androids will soon become commonplace.
In time, Levy predicts, it will be quite normal for people to buy robots as companions and lovers. “I believe that loving sex robots will be a great boon to society,” he says. “There are millions of people out there who, for one reason or another, cannot establish good relationships.”
So what would all of this mean for real human relationships?
In 1920, there were 92.3 marriages for every 1,000 unmarried women. In 2012, there were only 31.1 marriages for every 1,000 unmarried women.
Obviously, adding female sex robots to the mix is not going to help things.
As a society we are more isolated individually than we have ever been before, and providing men the temptation of female sex robots would only make it even more difficult for them to establish meaningful real life relationships.
But is there anything that we can do to stop this technology?
After all, it seems like robots are starting to take over everything.
So what happens when robots can do virtually everything better than humans can?
What will society look like?
And are these technologies going to make our lives much better or much worse?