
The far side of the moon – alien bases or an ancient astronaut’s cemetery?

The moon is a satellite of the Earth, and the only known astronomical object for today, where a person’s foot has stepped. The mysterious moon is fraught with many mysteries and incredible hypotheses.

When we look at the Moon, we always see the same side, about 60 percent of its surface – although the planet rotates on its own axis. This feature of our satellite is due to the fact that the rotation of the Moon around our planet and around its own axis is synchronized – this is another mystery of our neighbor.

Often, the invisible part of the moon is referred to as the far side of the moon, or “the dark side of the moon.” Although the “dark side” is certainly a metaphor, rather than a reflection of reality, since on average the dark side of the moon receives as much sunlight as the visible part of our satellite.

And yet it really is the “dark side of the moon”, a territory that has not been visible to humanity for many hundreds of years. What can happen there, what is hidden in invisibility? – According to conversations in certain circles, there is no better place for aliens to deploy bases secret from us.

A bit of history

Little by little, the mystery of the dark side of the moon began to lose its enigma in 1959, when the automatic satellite of the USSR Luna-3, circling the moon, photographed its invisible region. Of course, the first images were rough and of poor quality, but they were able to show lifeless deserts in crater pockmarks, as well as on the side facing us.

Subsequent flights by robotic explorers such as the Lunar Orbiter 4 were able to provide more detailed images of the moon’s invisible region by 1967. A year later, the Apollo 8 astronauts (Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders), flying around the moon in preparation for the Apollo 11 mission, examined the far side of the satellite through the eyes of a man.

Official reports about the expedition are uninteresting and dry – a dead planet, whose surface has been plowed by asteroids for billions of years. Television broadcasts by the crew from the moon also showed the gray surface of the planet. Is that this mysterious phrase that flew from the ship to Earth – confirmation that Santa Claus exists. – Allegedly, this is the UFO code designation adopted by NASA.

Today, many photographs show details of the invisible side of the moon, and topographic maps have been compiled showing the main features of this area. It would seem that in our time the dark side of the moon has lost a significant part of its secrets and hypotheses. But still, there is an opinion that many secrets are hidden in this area of ​​our neighbor.
For example, why did the Apollo manned expeditions turn abruptly?

A number of researchers hold a unanimous opinion, the reason for this was one thing: aliens do not want to see humanity on the moon! They do not care that we consider the satellite to be “ours”, they know whose it is, and are ready to defend their rights.

The hypothesis of ufologists about the moon

Ufology is generally very anxious about everything extraterrestrial, and even more so to the Moon – there are a lot of anomalous phenomena visible through a telescope. A long-standing UFO hunter theory warns:

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On the far side of the moon is the oldest alien observer base. It is possible that this is not even one base, but a huge laboratory complex has been deployed to study all aspects of human life.

It is assumed that they (aliens) come from some other star system. It is logical to assume that for long-term observations and regular visits to the Earth, they need to have a working base in our system. Naturally, considering this plane of the issue, the invisible side of the moon will be the best place for setting up a secret outpost, a place where you can not only rest after a flight from another galaxy, but also the closest base to Earth.

In support of this hypothesis, the authors of numerous publications on the economy of aliens on the moon, cite the statements of William Cooper, a former high-ranking US intelligence officer.

In 1989, Cooper allegedly under oath – the case took place at a special meeting of the UN Committee on Space Exploration – said that the American government knew about alien ships appearing near Earth, and was well aware of the alien lunar complex.

Alien base on the far side of the moon

Some videos, allegedly filmed by the crews of the Apollo missions, show details of the alien base. There are huge quarry vehicles, nearby there is a large alien ship – most likely a transport transporting the mined. In the center of the crater, where all this action takes place, gigantic towers rise.

Of course, all this is extremely suspicious information – for example, the Apollo 8 expedition, and the Luna 3 spacecraft, they did not see any bases on the Moon (at least this is unknown). Although, what can be seen on the Moon from orbit?

By the way, the story of William or Bill Cooper is shrouded in detective mystery. Having retired, since the 90s, he described cases of an alien presence, about the secret government, about UFOs, about the US treaty with the alien race. Many talked about falsification and other speculations on the nloosh topic.

However, there is one “But”, in 2001, Cooper was killed by sheriff’s officers, at his home in Arizona – the reason was allegedly tax evasion (it is believed that Cooper first started shooting). Maybe it was not by chance, he really knew something like that?

Virtual researchers point to the existence of large alien structures on the “far” side of the moon. It sounds strange, but it really is, say the researchers, and we get solid evidence of this from NASA satellites.

In 1994, America sent the Clementine satellite to the Moon to obtain detailed photographs of the object under study. However, earlier, in the early 70s, abruptly ending the Apollo program before completion, NASA clearly announced: “The moon has been studied well enough and is no longer of interest.”

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There is no point in spending taxpayers’ money on the study of the Moon, here it is necessary to build bases, and move on along the path of mastering our system and studying deep space. But nevertheless, the Moon continues to be studied no less closely, but already remotely – with the help of satellites.

The Clementine satellite made 1.8 million images during its work, but only 170,000 images were made publicly available, according to foreign researchers. And the available ones were not in the quality that was expected. What happened to the rest of the pictures? – The rest were classified!

But why did both American and Soviet scientists abandon manned flights to the Moon? Moreover, they refused almost at the same time, as if coordinating their actions. Did someone – let’s say the owners of alien bases – really gave us a negative signal from the gate?

There are no working complexes of aliens there, – the researchers voice a rare version. Nobody is mining helium-3, as many assume.

In one of their “visits” to the Moon, America discovered the destroyed remains of ancient structures and a cemetery of alien beings! Evaluating the state of the remains of the buildings, scientists came to the conclusion about an intentional explosion.

Reflecting on the destruction, the graveyard and warning signs, scientists conclude that an unknown epidemic that killed the ancient aliens – which even those more advanced than our knowledge could not overcome. Having correctly interpreted all these “signs”, people decide to get off the moon, but still continue to conduct a remote study of our satellite.

Paranormal explorers, astral travelers

The confirmation of the base of an extraterrestrial race on the far side of the moon, and as a result, proof of the existence of aliens is supported by Ingo Swan, a psychic and a person who knows how to live in the astral field of the Earth. He is an Astral life specialist (travels to other worlds with the help of thought in a special state of his physical body).

Ingo Swan, allegedly worked for the American government and participated in the creation of the psychic observation program in the 70s.

The discovery of 1973 can be cited as an example of his amazing abilities. Then, making an astral trip to the planet Jupiter, Swann confidently stated that the rings of Jupiter represent a gas and dust formation. This was confirmed six years later by Voyager 1, in 1979.

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In one of the astral Journeys to the Moon, Swann, examining the dark side of the satellite, came across buildings of extraterrestrial origin.

While in the astral body, the traveler saw high towers in the depths of the crater, from the tip of which came powerful illumination of the crater. As the remote researcher spoke about his experience, he was stunned by the realization of the importance and improbability of the fact that a certain civilization had built some kind of structures on the moon.

Moreover, building on his success, Swann mentally headed deep into the alien structure, where he discovered two humanoids, the inhabitants of the lunar base. He also realized that the aliens felt his presence, after which the visit was interrupted, and he himself was “thrown” from the moon! – in the sense of his astral spirit.

Return to the Moon

Most (and maybe all) of these stories about the secret bases of aliens on the far side of the moon are fiction – well, or horror stories around the campfire. The experience of traveling in the astral body is also unprovable, so that its results are treated with great confidence.

None of these stories about the moon have been confirmed. We cannot find confirmation or refutation until a person returns to the surface of the moon again but, something goes wrong with the exploration of the moon.

The moon lies at an average distance of 384 thousand kilometers from the Earth (centers of objects), the flight takes less than a week – this is practically a neighboring region. Lunar laboratories and telescopes have huge prospects – a gigantic scale of space exploration! And the lunar spaceport? – this is a start from a planet whose gravity is six times less than that of the Earth! The resources of the planet also go to the same piggy bank for the exploration of the Moon.

The plans for the development of the Moon and the creation on its surface of the “Village” of earthlings (settlements) have been discussed more than once. So, in the spring of 2006, NASA announced the development of a manned expedition to the satellite.

The program provided for the landing of four astronauts on the far side of the moon. They will collect samples, study and search for a place for lunar bases … but the program was postponed until 2015, then for another year – and this is just one example of the postponed development programs for our closest neighbor.

Curiously, what can be found on the moon, the buildings of an extraterrestrial race? Spaceships of an alien civilization? Proof that ancient astronauts visited Earth? Returning to the moon is not a guarantee of these issues being solved. Even without finding an alien base on the moon, fans of the “conspiracy theory” will always be able to justify this with the silence of the government, which wants to protect the public from the realization of the terrible fact that aliens exist.

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Isn’t it true that many interested in this issue will not be able to stay on the moon? At the same time, some sceptics suspect that we will not be back to the moon anytime soon, if at all.

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