Fact or fiction

The earth will be divided between three states and angels will descend from heaven: Albert the Great predicted when the bloody war will begin and end

Albert the Great is one of the most famous scientists of the Middle Ages, who was not only a philosopher, but also a naturalist, theologian and an occultist. His contribution to various fields of knowledge had a huge impact on the development of science and culture in Europe. No wonder he was called the doctor of the Catholic Church.

There is an opinion that Albert the Great was able to turn mercury into gold, and could create from the precious metal a huge greenhouse and lifting mechanisms for the mines of Bavaria.

One of the most interesting aspects of Albertus Magnus’ life is his fascination with magic, the occult, and love of divination. He was convinced that magic was more than mere mystical practices and that it could be used to foresee the future.

It is curious that, unlike the quatrains of the famous Nostradamus, the doctor’s prophecies are more specific and accurate. Many of them belong, according to researchers, to our time.

Scientist and occultist

A versatile person is sometimes said about people who succeed in everything, no matter what they undertake. This characteristic fully applies to Albert von Bolstedt. He was born into an aristocratic family and possessed a huge fortune, which allowed him to avoid the need to do any work.

However, instead of idleness, Albert chose science and began to interpret the philosophical works of Aristotle. He was also interested in physics, alchemy, geography and the occult. There were persistent rumors that he had the ability to obtain gold from mercury and create golems (artificial anthropomorphic creatures).

Albert the Great left behind a multi-volume collection of works on various sciences. His books became a textbook for the studios in medieval Europe. But we are more interested in the prophecies of the famous scientist, theologian and philosopher, which he recorded in the book “Oracles”.

Fulfilled predictions

A huge prophetic gift allowed Albert the Great to look into the distant future – a thousand years from November 15, 1280. Why this particular date? The fact is that the scientist and mystic offered to keep a record of future events from the moment of his death (and this happened on the indicated date).

What has already come true from what was predicted by Albert the Great? For example, the discovery and development of the American continent.

“Among the coming events is the opening of a large shore at a great distance from the Pillars of Hercules. These lands will be inhabited by the northern people, who will make them a great Christian state,” the famous scientist foresaw.

Researchers believe that this prophecy refers to the United States, which has indeed become one of the largest and most powerful states in the world. Despite all modern trends, America is still a very religious country with strong Christian traditions.

Another prophecy concerns Germany.

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“She will stand on the edge of victory three times in a time span equal to seven centuries. She will almost succeed in taking over the world three times,” the clairvoyant believed.

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First, the Habsburgs managed to conquer almost all of Europe under the protectorate of the Holy Roman Empire. Then, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Germany decided to consolidate European leadership, and already in the middle of the 20th century, the Germans planned to take over the whole world, the Second World War became the result of these ambitions.

What awaits us

So, many of the prophecies of Albert the Great have already come true. This means that the likelihood that his remaining predictions will also come true is very high. In his book “Oracles”, the scientist clearly described the future of mankind and even named specific dates.

“7-8 centuries will pass after the death of Albert the Great, and people will conquer the Moon and Mars. Mankind will not stop at this, there will be flights to other celestial bodies and even to other worlds,” the philosopher and theologian himself described the cosmic epic of mankind in this way.

As we know, a man stepped on the moon in 1969 (almost 700 years after the death of the scientist). If we follow this logic, then the conquest of Mars should be expected in a couple of decades. Indeed, there are programs for the colonization of the red planet, which are already being implemented.

“A millennium after the death of Albert the Great, angels will descend from Heaven, as if in the time before the Flood,” the Christian mystic warned in his prophecies.

After simple calculations, it becomes clear that this event should occur in the distant year 2280. But who will these angels be? Albert the Great, being a deeply religious person and theologian, clearly had in mind divine creatures. However, their description in the book “Oracles” is more like aliens.

“The earth will be divided into three huge states. They will argue and be at enmity, and only the Almighty will be able to calm them down. The confrontation will end after a large island rises from the depths behind the Pillars of Hercules,” said the prophet.

According to researchers, this prophecy is about a geopolitical conflict between the superpowers – the United States, Russia and China. Albert the Great foresaw this confrontation and was sure that peace is possible only after turning to God and faith.

Well, the “big island” is most likely Atlantis, the appearance of which was expected by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians.

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