From Sanskrit “ajna” is translated as “order”. The fact is that the sixth chakra in the human body is a kind of command post in relation to other chakras. It is also called the “third eye” chakra, as it is located between the eyebrows.
Ajna is responsible for memory, intuition, wisdom, objectivity, clairvoyance, willpower. Thanks to the sixth chakra, the right and left hemispheres of our brain, mind and logic, intuition and mysticism are balanced.
Ajna’s color is indigo. Its symbol is an eye-shaped two-petalled lotus.
Stones that contribute to the opening of the sixth chakra are sapphire, amethyst, labradorite, lapis lazuli, blue aventurine. But the third eye chakra has no aroma and taste. Moreover, it is often associated with the cold light of the autumn and winter full moon.
Ajna is responsible for the functioning of the brain, nervous system, nose, eyes, ears, the main gland of our body – the pituitary gland. Therefore, if you have problems in these areas, they will first of all indicate a closed sixth chakra.
Also, about violations and blocking in Ajna will be prompted by such states as a lack of understanding of the goals and meaning of life, anxiety, fears, anxiety, illusions, pride, unwillingness to take responsibility, blaming others for their own failures, a sense of their own superiority or, conversely, a sense of their own failure , timidity, suicidal mood.
Frequent satellites of the closed sixth chakra are headaches, insomnia, nervous disorders, alcoholism, staying in an illusory fantasy world, far from reality. The devastation of energy in Ajna can lead to such sad consequences as blindness, loss of hearing, smell, memory, brain tumors, etc.
If Ajna is harmoniously developed, then a person is psychologically stable, has wisdom and good intuition, has a good memory, knows how to live in the flow, in the present moment, without dwelling on the past and not worrying about the future.
People with strong Ajna tend to have psychic skills and the gift of clairvoyance. They manage to break the karmic connections of past lives and get out of the wheel of Samsara. It is often possible to hear from such people that they felt an enlightenment, that they received their knowledge from above, without ever learning it.
Full opening of the sixth chakra gives an understanding of all the processes taking place in the Universe, acceptance of any life situations without anger and suffering. This is a kind of enlightenment, the highest wisdom, unconditional love for all living things, which, unfortunately, is given to a few.
A striking example of the opening of Ajna is the Saints in all religions. Unfortunately, the majority of people with an undeveloped or poorly developed sixth chakra, a person with an open Ajna may seem strange, “out of this world”. These features can even make communication difficult.
It is no coincidence that the Ajna chakra is considered to be the link between the divine spirit and the human ego. Above Ajna, only the seventh chakra is Sahasrara. But the opening of the latter is impossible without a developed third eye chakra. However, it is also impossible to deal with the harmonization of Ajna in isolation.
First, you should open the five lower chakras – Vishuddhi, Anahata, Manipura, Svadhisthana and Muladhara, which we have already considered on the previous yoga pages of our magazine.
Why is Ajna blocked?
First , chakra clogs up when you stray too far from your true purpose. To get back to normal, ask yourself if you like what you do in life. If the answer is no, constantly ask yourself what you really want that would make you truly happy.
Secondly , Ajna blockage happens when you look at the world “through rose-colored glasses” and constantly live with illusions. Try to focus on the present moment and learn to be happy in it. Various meditations will help this. At the same time, you should not take other people’s negative emotions at your own expense, blame others for bad mood and failures. One should look at the present a little distantly, taking the position of an observer.
Thirdly , the sixth chakra enters into dissonance, when a person cannot accept some life circumstances, constantly scrolls in his head another potential scenario for the development of events, which is no longer destined to come true.
Fourthly , pride is a great evil for the development of Ajna. When a person thinks himself better or higher than others, falls into a star fever, spiritual knowledge is automatically closed to him.
The chakra of the third eye is activated by chanting the mantra AUM.