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All posts tagged "vampires"

Vampires and Poltergeists 21 Vampires and Poltergeists 22


In around 1890, a dead man named Andilaveris was menacing villagers in Messaria, on the Greek island of Kythnos. We are told that ‘sometimes...

The Highgate Vampire 23 The Highgate Vampire 24

Ghosts & Hauntings

The 1960’s saw a definitive resurgence of occult obsession in mainstream pop culture. Therefore, it is not surprising that a correlative influx of supernatural...

Real Vampire Sighting Accounts 29 Real Vampire Sighting Accounts 30

Ghosts & Hauntings

Though far more rare than werewolf or ghost sightings, sightings of vampires have been reported at various locations across the world. While it’s impossible...