Star People

Lesson on humanity’s ancient past and the existence of aliens: According to Cherokee Indians, we are one of the most violent species in the galaxy

Explorers have long been visiting virtually 'untouched' communities such as the Cherokee Indians. The Hayes Mountain tribe is one of the…

2 years ago

Secrets of the city of wisdom or legends about an alien masterpiece

The Hopi Indian tribe is  is a Native American tribe, living in Arizona for several millennia. The so-called aristocracy of this tribe…

2 years ago

How to know if you are an alien descendant

We look for them in the stars, we see them in the sky, we want to know the truth. Obviously,…

4 years ago

Native Elder Shows a Petrified Alien Heart, Which He Claimed Belonged To The “Star People”

The Facts:Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a Professor Emeritus at Montana State University who is Cherokee/Choctaw has been researching the Star…

6 years ago