Fact or fiction Borg cubes have become frequent visitors to the solar system? SOHO scientist denies it UFO enthusiasts were knocked off their feet, figuring out what kind of strange square is captured in a picture of the Sun taken recently... SoulAskJuly 29, 2020
Aliens & UFO's NASA records again a large cube shaped UFO next to the Sun (Video) A new photograph taken by a NASA satellite is giving enough to talk about, because in it you can see, again, a strange cube... SoulAskApril 19, 2019
Planet Earth New finding shows that man never left Earth’s atmosphere Thanks to data compiled by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), Russian scientists establish that the borders of the Earth’s atmosphere are, in reality,... SoulAskFebruary 25, 2019
Aliens & UFO's NASA’s SOHO Satellite Records Spherical UFO Leaving the Sun Official statement regarding the event is as follows: During the early hours of December 24th, a coronal mass ejection (CME) exploded from the far... SoulAskJanuary 2, 2019
Aliens & UFO's Dozens of earth size UFOs orbiting our sun, but NASA still does not talk about them These UFO have been recorded by SOHO for years, but more and more people are finding out about it today, which will one day... SoulAskJuly 27, 2013
Aliens & UFO's Giant Cube Returns To The Sun, Caught In SOHO Photo; NASA Photo Reveals Base On Mars The cube has been seen all over near the sun. Often half in and half out of the surface of the sun but sometimes... SoulAskJuly 18, 2013