In the movie “Leave the World Behind,” which involves Obama’s production company, the attack occurs on September 17. Eliminating the zeros from the subsequent...
The book “Satanisme et vampirisme: le livre noir” by political scientist Paul Ariès, from which the following excerpts originate, was produced under a contract...
The US Federal Court has officially allowed students to attend extracurricular activities of the church of satan, initiating student children in Satanic invocation ceremonies....
Excerpt from Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier, via Jeff Rense Co-Masters of the World – Connections to JWs, Mormons, and JudaismIt has...
Editor’s Note: Viewer discretion advised, strong language, and possible offensive material… Disclaimer – I don’t necessarily agree with all of this, but definitely some...
The Occult Experience: 95 minute documentary on the international occult scene, filmed in 1984-85 and screened initially by Channel 10, Sydney, in 1985....
David Veritas One of the more common Illuminati Symbols found hidden in plain sight world wide is the Pentagram. The Pentagram is best known for its use...