
The “Pyramid Effect”: Insights from experiments on pyramidal structures

In the 1950s, a French visitor named Bovi observed small animals in the Great Pyramid's garbage cans that had inadvertently…

3 months ago

Why world pyramids emit photon beams of radiant energy towards a mysterious cosmic cloud?

A cloud of very strong photon energy is starting to surround us for some time now. This cosmic object has a…

2 years ago

Research finds that there may be a mysterious alien civilization on the seabed

Inexplicably bright lights or mysterious objects appear in the depths of the ocean. Based on years of research, US scientists have found…

4 years ago

Ancient Egyptian pyramids discovered in Alaska

Archaeologists and climatologists who jointly explored a rocky tundra plateau in the west of the Brooks Range in Alaska, discovered…

5 years ago

A Ukrainian Physicist Has Discovered The Secret About The Pyramids – And It Will Change The World

When we talk about Pyramids everyone immediately turns their thoughts to Egypt, the Giza plateau and the three pyramids standing…

6 years ago

Enoch | The Great Pyramid Mystery

We have been reading and listening about the Great Pyramids of Giza since our childhood whether we are Jews, Christians…

6 years ago

The Mystery Behind The 30,000 Year-Old Bosnian Pyramids

The three Bosnian pyramids have always been a fiery topic of discussion. The Pyramid of the Sun, as the largest…

7 years ago

Hibernating Alien discovered inside Secret Chamber in the Great Pyramid

Would you believe a story about an alien mummy being found in the Great Pyramid of Giza? In the March…

10 years ago

Fossil Suggests Egyptian Pyramids and Sphinx Once Submerged Under Sea Water

By Paul Darin, Epoch Times The entire landscape of the Giza Necropolis, including the pyramids and the Sphinx, shows erosion…

10 years ago

Ancient Mayan cities found in Mexican jungle

by Rossella Lorenzi  A monster mouth doorway, ruined pyramid temples and palace remains emerged from the Mexican jungle as archaeologists…

10 years ago

The archeology, art and science of altered states of consciousness

by Carlton Brown I would like to share with you some unique and ground breaking archeological discoveries underpinned in the…

11 years ago

6 Fascinating Unsolved Mysteries Involving Cryptic Messages

By Benjamin Kim, Epoch Times and Tara MacIsaac, Epoch Times 6. Wow! Signal Wikimedia Commons On Aug. 15, 1977, a…

11 years ago

The Pyramid/Tesla Energy Connection

by G. Hunter Apparently Apparel Nikola Tesla regarded the Earth as one of the plates of a capacitor, the ionosphere forming…

11 years ago

Underwater Pyramid Found Near Portugal Has Portuguese Navy Investigating, Link to Atlantis?

Portuguese news reported the discovery of a very large under water pyramid first discovered by Diocleciano Silva between the islands…

11 years ago

Secrets of Ancient Pyramids

1. Mysterious energy beam above the Bosnian pyramid of the Sun. A team of physicists detected an energy beam coming…

11 years ago

A Common Origin: Who Invented the Pyramids?

Published by Martin J. Clemens If you spend any amount of time on the internet, particularly Twitter, there’s a good…

11 years ago