In the 1950s, a French visitor named Bovi observed small animals in the Great Pyramid’s garbage cans that had inadvertently entered and perished. Their...
Inexplicably bright lights or mysterious objects appear in the depths of the ocean. Based on years of research, US scientists have found that there may be alien...
Archaeologists and climatologists who jointly explored a rocky tundra plateau in the west of the Brooks Range in Alaska, discovered hundreds of remains of...
When we talk about Pyramids everyone immediately turns their thoughts to Egypt, the Giza plateau and the three pyramids standing tall just outside of...
by Rossella Lorenzi A monster mouth doorway, ruined pyramid temples and palace remains emerged from the Mexican jungle as archaeologists unearthed two ancient Mayan...
Portuguese news reported the discovery of a very large under water pyramid first discovered by Diocleciano Silva between the islands of São Miguel and...