Metaphysics & Psychology I saw my father’s spirit leave his body I saw my father’s spirit leave his body when he passed away. Yea, I know. Sounds a little strange. But I really did. My... SoulAskDecember 1, 2019
Paranormal Psi-Trailing: Animals’ Incredible Journeys Sometime in August 1923. Bobbie, a large dog, two years old, mostly collie, but said to be part English sheep dog, began his incredible... SoulAskSeptember 12, 2019
Metaphysics & Psychology Psi of Regret: Pitfalls of Prophecy from Paul Muad’Dib to Patanjali It’s been over twenty years since I last read Dune, but inspired partly by the phenomenal documentary Jodorowsky’s Dune, I recently re-read Frank Herbert’s... SoulAskDecember 1, 2014