Many readers have undoubtedly seen the old movie about the adventures of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the jungles of Central America. According to the plot, an...
The Nazca Lines are mysterious blueprints and signs that are found in the desert in southern Peru. They are about two thousand years old. Symbols in...
Peruvian judges said the coronavirus pandemic was organized by “authors of a new world order”, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates, investment banker George Soros,...
Researchers have discovered new and fascinating information about an ancient settlement on the heights of the Peruvian Andes, which precedes the famous site of...
Although many individuals, who have experienced a comfortable, funded existence, regurgitating merely that which their masters permit of them. There exists a vast areas...
By Owen Jarus, Live Science Contributor More than 50 geoglyphs with various shapes and sizes, including a massive swastika, have been discovered across northern...
By Billy Cox, Herald-Tribune De Void damn near caught fire and exploded the other day when Foreign Policy actually noticed the Peruvian government had...
Some ancient monumental structures were built to manipulate sound for sensory and mind effects, suggests recent research. The results of recent research suggests that...