Space Astronomers find massive BLACK HOLE the size of 12 billion suns that CONTRADICTS SCIENCE Some 12.8 billion light years away, astronomers have spotted an object of almost impossible brightness — the most luminous object ever seen in such... SoulAskFebruary 26, 2015
Space NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has spotted an object located right at the edge of Saturn’s ring NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has spotted an object located right at the edge of Saturn’s A ring that is confounding scientists. Its name? Peggy. This... SoulAskDecember 12, 2013
Space Interesting Object In Space has been Spotted during Comet ISON Exploration 1. Source 2. Source Any ideas what it is? SoulAskDecember 2, 2013
Space Shiny Object Spotted On Mars – Mars Curiosity – 2013 Green lines point to a shiny protuberance on rock imaged by the Curiosity rover on Mars. Credit: NASA/JPL/CaltechMalin Space Science Systems. Image processing 2di7... SoulAskFebruary 9, 2013