To comprehend current global events and their causes, one must consult primary source documents. These documents, designated “for internal use,” are produced by entities...
The origins trace back to ancient Egypt, where priests, versed in numerous wisdoms and extraordinary technologies for manipulating energy and life, sought to reshape...
Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds and with it comes new challenges that touch the boundaries of national sovereignty and the global political...
Famous podcaster and commentator, Joe Rogan, warns the Americans about what the elite seek to achieve, the total control of our societies, through a combination...
A recent article in Scientific American entitled “Population reduction will change the world for the better” attracted attention with its frank headline. Although there is nothing shockingly...
To artificial intelligence, the creative potential of mankind is unnecessary. Keep in mind that an “alien” intelligence is also hiding behind the screen of artificial...
The response to the COVID-19 pandemic by national governments has radically changed the lives of people around the planet. Facts that seemed simply inconceivable in...
Conspiracy users have found a very strange document entitled UN Directive 001, dated July 4, 2025. United Nations Directive 001 United Nations Directive 001 United...
The word “Illuminati” means “enlightened,” and this society officially appeared on May 1, 1776 in Freistaat Bayern. Its founder is the theologian philosopher Adam...
Excerpt from Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier, via Jeff Rense Co-Masters of the World – Connections to JWs, Mormons, and JudaismIt has...