Science & Technology Human hibernation switch found in the brain – it can be activated Two independent studies have found “switches” in the brain that immerse mice in a state of stupor called hibernation. That is, soon, perhaps, in... SoulAskJune 14, 2020
Science & Technology Scientists have discovered a new form of “cell communication” A freshly discovered unique form of messaging between the cells of the human brain may mean that it is even more productive than previously... SoulAskJanuary 7, 2020
Science & Technology Ultrasound Causes Brain Damage in Fetuses: Study by Heidi Stevenson Ultrasound has become routine during pregnancy over the last 3 decades. It is assumed to be safe, though safety was never... SoulAskOctober 15, 2013
Science & Technology World’s Fastest Computer Will Operate Like a Human Brain A large group of scientists and researchers is working to develop the fastest computer known to man that would operate much like the human... SoulAskOctober 10, 2013