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All posts tagged "Nazi"

The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold 12 The Vatican Bank and Nazi Gold 13


Did greed and God work hand in hand? And what do the apparitions at Medjugorje have to do with it? ROME — Wealth...

Historian Brought Freemasons to Heel 14 Historian Brought Freemasons to Heel 15


Nazi Germany had to make a show of being anti-Masonic since its enemies were controlled by Freemasonry. Bernard Fay seized this brief moment to try to...

Nazi Hollow Earth Map 18 Nazi Hollow Earth Map 19

Fact or fiction

USAHitman has posted maps made by Third Reich “explorers” that locate the passage into the Hollow Earth, and show the oceans and land masses...

The Soviet Story 25 The Soviet Story 26

Planet Earth

From: [youtube] The Soviet Story is a 2008 documentary film about Soviet Communism and Soviet–German collaboration before 1941 written and directed by...