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All posts tagged "mothman"

The Case Of The Chicago Mothman 8 The Case Of The Chicago Mothman 9


Editor’s Note: Listen to the kid-friendly version of the audio story here.  The Chicago region has been experiencing a collective case of the heebie-jeebies...

A Messenger of Catastrophe? 14 A Messenger of Catastrophe? 15


A number of sightings depicting  a man-sized humaniod, with glowing red eyes and 10-foot wingspan has been associated with catastrophic events of the past...

Invasion of the Doll People 18 Invasion of the Doll People 19


John Keel’s The Mothman Prophecies (1975) – argues Colin Bennett – stands alongside John Michell’s Flying Saucer Vision (1967), John Fowles’ The Magus (1965),...