In December 2019, the 60-year-old David Ramos, a former Chicago policeman who is now retired, contacted The Singular Fortean Society. Ramos worked in the...
Editor’s Note: Listen to the kid-friendly version of the audio story here. The Chicago region has been experiencing a collective case of the heebie-jeebies...
L.J. Charleston The terrifying creature rose above the horizon of Chernobyl and Pripyat, a hideous humanoid with giant wings, a black headless body...
What are the large winged creatures terrorizing the skies of Illinois? Small Town Monsters, who recently brought us The Bray Road Beast, The Mothman...
A number of sightings depicting a man-sized humaniod, with glowing red eyes and 10-foot wingspan has been associated with catastrophic events of the past...
John Keel’s The Mothman Prophecies (1975) – argues Colin Bennett – stands alongside John Michell’s Flying Saucer Vision (1967), John Fowles’ The Magus (1965),...