Fact or fiction Universe A Matrix Computer Game Designed By Aliens, Say NASA by Sean Adl-Tabatabai British philosopher Nick Bostrom says he believes that the reality we perceive around us may be the product of a highly-advanced... SoulAskMay 13, 2015
Metaphysics & Psychology A War in the Heavens: In the Far Reaches of Outer & Inner Space Is there a war going on out there in the far reaches of outer and therefore inner space, a War in the Heavens as... SoulAskOctober 15, 2013
Science & Technology The Matrix Is Now Reality As Humans Are Used As Living Batteries Who says necessity is not the mother of invention in the New Normal. While a tiny fraction of the Japanese population is enjoying the... SoulAskMarch 1, 2013
Bizzare & Odd Do we live in the Matrix? Researchers found way to prove it Is the real world real? Physicists say they have come up with a way of determining whether the world we experience is actually a... SoulAskOctober 11, 2012