“Amelia’s Children” is a Portuguese mystical horror film inspired by Goya’s paintings, the myths of Oedipus, and Bram Stoker’s “Dracula.” The plot centers around...
For the first time, media network “i24” published images from the meeting of the largest gathering of Masonic Lodges in Haifa, Israel. Freemasonry is Occultism...
Chronicles of the Future tells the bizarre and incredible experience of Paul Amadeus Dienach, who lived at the beginning of the last century in central...
Chronicles from the Future tells a remarkable story about a bizarre and incredible event experienced by Paul Amadeus Dienach, the author, who lived during...
Author and 32nd degree Freemason, Robert W. Sullivan discusses the influence of ancient mysteries, ceremonies, sages and astral bodies on the very foundation of America....
From: AlterNews Secret networks of Freemasons have been used by organised crime gangs to corrupt the criminal justice system, according to a bombshell Metropolitan...
By Richard Cassaro A new discovery challenges―if not rewrites―ancient history by showing how the world’s first cultures mysteriously shared the same religious icon. From...
Nazi Germany had to make a show of being anti-Masonic since its enemies were controlled by Freemasonry. Bernard Fay seized this brief moment to try to...
Who really controls the world? presents the real history of 5 secret organizations thought to control global affairs. Have these secret societies really infiltrated...
David Veritas One of the more common Illuminati Symbols found hidden in plain sight world wide is the Pentagram. The Pentagram is best known for its use...
The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, “enlightened”) is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically the name refers to the...