Underworld Beware the Growing Evil in Our Midst John W. Whitehead, RutherfordWaking Times “You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall.... SoulAskOctober 30, 2019
Spirituality The Neglected Power of Freedom of Choice It’s worth re-evaluating these questions continually, as I see it. When we honestly get down to analyzing the various areas of our personal progress,... SoulAskMarch 3, 2019
Spirituality Belief Systems and the Power Of Authority Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that adheres to the... SoulAskDecember 10, 2018
Metaphysics & Psychology A 90 years old concentration camp survivor councils Navy SEALs Edith Eva Eger, a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps, carries one last memory of her mother: they’re in line at the entrance to... SoulAskJune 25, 2018
Conspiracies How You Can Manually Change the World: Turn Off Your TV Bernie Suarez It’s been called the greatest mind control device known to humanity, and amazingly it’s the one addiction that when truly broken can... SoulAskOctober 3, 2013
Fact or fiction Video: Watch This Only if You Can Handle the Truth What is the price of Freedom? WE must take up Arms in Defense of the Innocent. This Evil Cabal, which includes DC, intends to... SoulAskSeptember 16, 2012