Apocalypse & Armageddon Embracing “Abyss”: Prospect of a nuclear strike, doomsday bunkers and the “New California” World powers are now “embracing” the abyss and the current position of the Kremlin leaves no doubt as to what will happen if Sweden... SoulAskMay 13, 2022
Aliens & UFO's An incredible story: Contact with aliens in Karelia in 1917 This happened long before the term “flying saucers” appeared, and few people know about this case. It happened at the end of January 1917, in... SoulAskMay 30, 2020
Metaphysics & Psychology The Prime Minister Of Finland Wants To Introduce A Four-Day Workweek In Her Country By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory Sanna Marin is the Prime Minister of Finland who formed her coalition government in December 2019. Prime Minister Marin... SoulAskJanuary 10, 2020